During the production of delicatessen canned fish, the control system should ensure a gentle heat treatment regime with a decrease in the degree of temperature exposure to the product. Changing the modes requires reconfiguration of the type and parameters of temperature regulators in the autoclave, carried out based on the results of processing modeling. The software complex for modeling the object and control system during pasteurization provides for calculating the degree of sterilizing effect. The complex contains system and application softwares. The application modules implement the functions of a graphical interface, a virtual controller, numerical simulation of product temperature changes and data transmission. The virtual controller allows select controllers: positional, proportional-integral-differential, and states. The novelty of the model lies in the display and the possibility of changing both the parameters of the regulator and the coefficients of the desired polynomial, taking into account the sign of the derivative of temperature during heating and cooling. The practical value of the work is to reduce the time for reconfiguring the autoclave control system, ensuring a reduction in the degree of temperature exposure when a given sterilizing effect is achieved by selecting the type and parameters of temperature control rules.
Keywords: software complex, modeling, control system, pasteurization, canned fish, regulator, temperature
The article presents an analysis of modern methods and prospects for the application of automated technologies and laser triangulation for visual inspection of weld quality in the production of large-diameter longitudinally welded pipes. A review of scientific and patent publications over the past 5 years was conducted using databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, eLibrary, and Google Patents. Key aspects such as the use of laser triangulation sensors (hereafter referred to as LTS) for assessing the geometric parameters of welds and the integration of machine learning methods to enhance inspection accuracy and automation were considered. The study shows that the application of LTS in combination with machine learning methods ensures high accuracy in evaluating weld quality, which is crucial for ensuring the reliability of pipelines in various industries. Based on the conducted analysis, recommendations for developing an automated system for visual inspection of welds on production lines have been identified.
Keywords: laser triangulation, visual inspection, welds, automated technologies, machine learning, quality control, large-diameter welded pipes
Currently, Internet of Things technologies are actively used in manufacturing enterprises for remote monitoring and preventive control of technological processes. The article is devoted to the development of an original mathematical model of the process of transmitting information packets and confirmations in the Industrial Internet of Things system, the use of which allows us to assess the probability of duplication of messages sent to the production process control center. To develop the model, the mathematical apparatus of probabilistic graphs was used, which makes it possible to take into account all possible states of the simulated process and the probabilities of transitions from one state to another. The results of computational experiments showed that the use of the developed model makes it possible to justify the choice of the maximum number of retransmissions, in which the probability of message duplication does not exceed the specified permissible values at the current level of bit errors.
Keywords: industrial Internet of things, telemetry data, production process control, message duplication, retransmissions, bit error rate, sensor devices, server, probabilistic graph
This article explores methods for improving the reliability of telecommunication systems in Turkmenistan. The authors consider modern approaches to ensuring the stability and reliability of communication networks in the context of a rapidly changing technological environment. The article analyzes the main challenges faced by telecom operators in the country and proposes effective strategies to ensure the smooth operation of telecommunication systems. The results of the study allow us to identify key measures to improve the reliability of the communication infrastructure in Turkmenistan and ways to optimize user service processes.
Keywords: communication infrastructure, trends, prospects, system reliability, mobile communications, evolution, 2G, 3G, 4G, network reliability
The creation of systems for operational monitoring of the operating parameters of technical equipment is an important task in a scientific and practical sense, requiring constant improvement of technical and machine algorithms that support constant multi-parameter self-diagnosis of a digital television and radio broadcasting communication object and determination of its integral state for making objective management decisions aimed at maintaining the operability of the entire network . The article discusses issues related to the development of a software package for an intelligent control system for the state of a digital broadcasting object.
Keywords: digital technologies, digital television, import substitution, information infrastructure, intelligent monitoring, remote control, software
The article considers the possibility of measuring the temperature of cable transmission lines with the help of specially manufactured narrowed quartz optical fiber. The technology of manufacturing of narrowed optical fiber on a specially designed device is considered. The device of laboratory installation for revealing the expansion of optical fiber under the influence of temperature is considered. The influence of temperature on the laser beam deflection in the created quartz single-mode fiber is investigated.
Keywords: optical fiber, fiber optic sensor, temperature measurement, cable power lines
The issue of development and practical application of the developed methodological support for grinding control based on automated assessment of the dynamic quality of the machine tool based on integral estimates of the autocorrelation function of oscillations and its relationship with the quality of processing of bearing ring raceways is considered.
Keywords: grinding control, vibroacoustic oscillations, automated measurements, stochastic characteristics, dynamic quality of the machine, bearing rings, quality of processing
This article presents a study on the approach to the development of a medical decision support system (DSS) for the selection of formulas for calculating the optical strength of intraocular lenses (IOLs) used in the surgical treatment of cataracts. The system is based on the methods of building recommendation systems, which allows you to automate the process of choosing an IOL and minimize the risk of human error. The implementation of the system in the practice of medical organizations is expected to be highly accurate and efficient, significantly reduce the time allowed for decision-making, as well as improve the results of surgical interventions.
Keywords: intraocular lens, ophthalmology, formulas for calculating optical strength, web application, machine learning, eye parameters, prognostic model, recommendation system, prediction accuracy, medical decision
The article discusses the capabilities of the domestic software development environment CoDeSys using the example of a control program for regulating automobile traffic of an enterprise within its own territory.
Keywords: program, controller, variable, code, functional block, automated systems
The article examines the problem of power supply of low-power devices remote from stationary power sources. The structural solutions of autonomous power supply systems of high and low power, which use renewable energy sources, are considered. It is shown that in autonomous micro and low-power power supply systems, MPPT-type controllers do not provide technical and economic advantages compared to controllers in which, due to simple structural and circuit design solutions, the necessary but sufficient minimum of functions for charging and discharging the energy storage of the power supply system is implemented. The models of circuit solutions of the controller nodes are presented, which implement the necessary minimum of functions for charging and discharging the energy storage device and the results of experimental studies showing the operability of the proposed circuit solutions.
Keywords: power supply system, controller, renewable energy source, pulse voltage converter, battery, voltage limiter
This article presents a study aimed at evaluating the use of the Matlab Simulink software environment for the development of microcontroller systems of the STM32 family. The possibilities of Simulink in the field of modeling and testing control algorithms, as well as in generating code that can be directly applied to microcontrollers, are analyzed. The article describes in detail the process of creating conceptual models and their dynamic modeling. The advantages of using Simulink include speeding up the development process through automated assembly and the ability to adjust model parameters in real time. In addition, Simulink allows you to generate processor-optimized code, which significantly increases the efficiency of microcontroller systems. However, attention is also drawn to some limitations associated with using Simulink, such as the need to create a configuration file in STM32CubeMX and potential difficulties in configuring it. The article provides an in-depth analysis of the application of Simulink in the context of the development of STM32 microcontrollers and can become a key material for those who want to deepen their knowledge in this area.
Keywords: model-oriented programming, MatLab, Simulink, STM32, microcontroller, code generation, automatic control system, DC motor
The article discusses the automation of the control of an environmentally friendly furnace reactor produced by various grades of carbon black. The complexity of au-tomation is caused by the variety of furnace reactors and the spread of process pa-rameters depending on the products. Chemical equations of processes and control features in all reactor zones are considered. The proposed reactor automatic con-trol system is implemented using fuzzy logic.
Keywords: furnace reactor, carbon black, combustion zone, mixing zone, pyrolysis zone, quenching zone, granulation, chemical equations, ammonia
Automation of the production of butadiene-nitrile rubbers is one of the most important directions in the chemical industry. This article presents a systematic review of existing domestic and foreign solutions, as well as describes the methods of integrated control systems for automating the production of butadiene-nitrile rubbers. Modern technologies used in manufacturing enterprises are considered, including automated systems for control, management and monitoring of processes: from robotic manipulators to digitalization of production processes. The advantages and disadvantages of automation approaches are evaluated, and trends in the development of this area are highlighted. The article is intended for specialists in the field of chemical industry, process engineers, as well as anyone interested in modern production automation technologies in the chemical industry. Previous studies will be analyzed, and examples of successful implementation of automated.
Keywords: distributed control systems, automation, integration, data transfer, architecture of automation levels, automated control systems
The article discusses modern approaches to casting and rolling technologies of aluminum alloys, characterized by unique physical and mechanical properties that determine their key importance in the development of industrial production. The analysis of traditional casting methods such as coquille, centrifugal and injection molding, as well as hot, cold and high-precision rolling processes is carried out. Special attention is paid to the prospects of digitalization of these technological processes, including the use of digital twins, machine learning methods and big data analysis, which allows optimizing production operations, improving product quality and reducing costs.
Keywords: aluminum alloys, digital twins, optimization of production processes, metallurgical industry, casting, rolling
Since 2017, EVRAZ ZSMK JSC has been developing and operating a mathematical model covering all processing stages from ore extraction to final products – SMM Forecast. The model will be used to calculate technical cases, plans, and parity prices for iron ore and coal, and its use brought more than 200 million rubles of economic effect in 2020 alone. The use of a universal mathematical model made it possible in 2023 to begin the development of a module for daily optimization of an agglomeration factory and blast furnace production. The article discusses the experience of EVRAZ ZSMK JSC in the development and implementation of a daily planning system based on the monthly planning model of SMM Forecast, as well as methods for achieving an acceptable speed of multi-period optimization. The SMM Forecast system was originally designed for end-to-end, scenario-based calculation of the main raw materials from ore and coal to finished products in a volumetric monthly planning. The system uses optimization algorithms to search for a global target function to maximize margin income under specified constraints. The mathematical model of redistribution uses the norms and technologies specified in the company's regulatory documents. At the same time, the model is universal and the transfer of algorithms from monthly to daily mode was carried out with minimal modifications. The article also discusses the difficulties encountered and various methods of solving these problems. The first problem faced by the developers was the low speed of optimization of the model in daily dynamics due to the strong complication of the optimization load. The calculation time has increased significantly, and to solve this problem, it took the introduction of a number of optimization cycles aimed at reducing the speed of solving equations, introducing variable boundaries, and determining starting points. As a result, the calculation time for one month was about 40 minutes. The second problem was the need to develop a complex supply management algorithm and optimize stacking at the sinter plant. As a result of solving this problem, a working tool has been developed that brings additional income to the enterprise.
Keywords: metallurgy, modeling, planning, daily planning, sintering plant, blast furnace shop, stacking
The paper presents a mathematical model, algorithm and simulation results of the steam pressure control process in a steam curtain of a tubular furnace of a diesel fuel hydrotreating technological installation based on a PID-controller with filtration of the current control error of a double moving average.
Keywords: automation, subsystem, control, control, steam curtain of a tubular furnace, steam pressure, moving average
A method is proposed for non-contact indication of the presence of operating voltage in disconnected sections of an alternating current contact network, based on the properties of liquid crystals and the effect of electrical influences. A procedure is given for selecting voltage indicator parameters when used on single-track sections of a traction network. The possibility of using sign-synthesizing liquid crystal indicators to create contactless indicators without an internal power source to indicate the presence of operating voltage in sections of the contact network is shown.
Keywords: AC contact network, single-track section, disconnected section, operating voltage, non-contact indication, liquid crystal indicator, properties, equivalent circuit, selection of parameters
This study is devoted to the development of methods for the automatic assessment of the granulometric composition of ore after blasting based on data obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Determining the size of ore fragments is an important step, since the effectiveness of subsequent crushing processes depends on its accuracy. Traditional methods of analysis use manual work, which requires considerable labor and is subject to subjective factors. The study examines modern machine learning methods and neural network architectures, such as Feature Pyramid Network (FPN), EfficientNet and SE ResNet, which can automatically and accurately segment images. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the VPN network with a pre-trained EfficientNet B2 base showed the highest IoU accuracy among the models.
Keywords: granulometric composition, FPN, Efficient Net, SEResNet
The article analyzes the placement of developed measuring devices for assessing the quality of blending of natural and chemical fibers in various spinning systems of cotton and wool spinning industry. The variants of installation of sensing elements on carding and draw frames are considered. Algorithms of interaction between microcontroller and personal computer in the automated measuring system are presented.
Keywords: automatic control systems, quality control of mixing in spinning systems, algorithms of interaction between microcontroller and personal computer
The work is devoted to the development and research of a heat exchanger for a contact gas-liquid heat exchanger. To increase the efficiency of heat transfer, the surface receiving heat is equipped with longitudinal fins and transverse partitions that form vortex structures in a turbulent gas flow. The expected decrease in gas temperature is 300-600 °C when cooled with water at a temperature of 50 °C. Simulation modeling has been carried out, including analysis of temperature distribution and hydraulic resistance, thermal power and stresses.
Keywords: heat exchanger, efficiency improvement, exhaust flue gas, heat recovery, mixing heat exchanger, numerical modeling, mathematical model, pixelation method
The article discusses the developed software application for synchronizing the class schedule in the Modeus system with other systems and various devices. The experience of creating a service that integrates the class schedule into the calendar application, ensuring the relevance of data and its availability to users is described in detail. The features of interaction with the Modeus platform are analyzed, including disadvantages such as unstable access and the need for manual data entry. Mechanisms for optimizing the schedule update using the iCalendar format are proposed, which allows automating processes and reducing the likelihood of errors. The results of implementing the developed application, its impact on improving the convenience of the educational process for students and teachers are presented, and the prospects for scaling the application to other educational institutions are considered.
Keywords: curriculum, university, Modeus, SaaS, software agent, calendar, information board, iCalendar, BOOCO, educational process
The present paper examines the actual problem of using graphics processing units (GPUs) in computing processes that are traditionally performed on central processing units (CPUs). With the development of technology and the advent of specialized architectures and libraries, GPUs have become indispensable in areas requiring intensive computing. The article examines in detail the advantages of using GPUs compared to traditional CPUs, justifying this with their ability to process in parallel and high throughput, which makes them an ideal tool for working with large amounts of data.are accidents caused by violations of rules and regulations at work sites, among them cases related to non-compliance with the rules of wearing protective helmets. The article examines methods and algorithms for recognizing protective helmets and helmets, and assesses their effectiveness.
Keywords: graphics processors, GPU, CUDA, OpenCL, cuBLAS, CL Blast, rocBLAS, parallel data processing, mathematical calculations, code optimization, memory management, machine learning, scientific research
This study examines the combination of several non-destructive partial discharge (PD) detection methods to improve the accuracy of their detection. An analysis of methods for detecting PD in high-voltage insulation, a consideration of their features, and an analysis of the possibility of combining them to achieve the most accurate measurements were carried out. Analysis of the practical effectiveness of combining methods based on the developed variations of installations operating on the principles of two or more detection methods. Options for installations for PD detection that combine two or more detection methods are considered. A conclusion is given about the possibility of combining various methods of detecting partial discharges, taking into account the peculiarities of this type of combination. The simplest and most effective at the moment is the use of measuring cells that combine electromagnetic and acoustic detection methods.
Keywords: partial discharges; non-destructive testing of insulation; high voltage insulator; diagnostic methods for insulators
The article proposes a variant of an electromagnetic drive for controlling an unmanned aerial vehicle for monitoring power facilities and develops calculation ratios that determine its electromechanical and dynamic processes. The structure and main characteristics of the pulse drive control have been developed. The conducted research can be used in the implementation of the steering drive project of a modern unmanned aerial vehicle.
Keywords: electromagnetic drive, pulse control, multipolar pulse width modulation, block diagram, magnetic induction, moment, constant, pulse element, control current, inertia
Stepper motors are often used in automated laser cutting systems. The control circuit of a stepper motor requires a special electronic device - a driver, which receives logical signals as input and changes the current in the motor windings to provide motion parameters. This research study evaluated stepper motor drivers to determine the feasibility of their use - PLDS880, OSM-42RA, OSM-88RA. To control the system, software code was written, which was connected to the controller via a link board. With each driver, in different modes, optimal parameters were selected (initial speed, final speed and acceleration), that is, the movement of the carriage without stalling for ten passes with a minimum travel time. The results of the experiments are presented in the form of tables.
Keywords: laser, laser cutting, automation, technological process, stepper motor, performance, driver, controller, control circuit, optimal parameters