This paper reports on the results obtained on the diagnostics of a steam pipeline of a thermal power plant; it analyzes the effect of thermal fatigue on the structure and properties of the 12Kh1MF steel and possible reasons for the emergency destruction of steam pipeline elements before the exhaustion of economic life. Ultrasonic testing and additional heat treatment are proposed to be used for the detection and elimination of structural inhomogeneity in the metal. The applicability of statistical technique to analyzing data on the loading history of a steam pipeline is studied, which enables us to evaluate the damaging effects of loading cycles and to develop a plan of preventive measures, as well as to increase the accuracy of predicting the residual life of steam pipeline elements.
Keywords: metallic structure, diagnostics, degradation, steam pipeline, thermal fatigue, microstructure, mechanical properties, residual life
The possibilities of using the graphic editor AutoCAD in the formation of the readiness of graduates of a technical university for graphic activity are considered. Examples of solving educational problems in the main sections of the discipline "Engineering and Computer Graphics" are given: projection, mechanical engineering and construction drawing.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
The paper studies the applicability ofthe coercive force (Нс) as a parameter for measuringthe wall thickness ofpipelines,vessels,andother metallic structuresthroughnonmagnetic insulationduring material degradation undercorrosion conditions. A procedure is developedfor remote inspectionof metallic structures atsites of maximum corrosion rateby the coercimetricmethod,withoutbreaking the insulationandstopping the operation ofthe object being tested.The effects of metal thickness, the size ofthe poles of the magnetizer, andthe thickness of non-ferromagneticinsulationon the absoluteand relativevalues of the coercive force are comparatively analyzed. The application of theproposed relative value methodis shown to be able to decrease significantlythe effectof steel composition and structureonthe metal thickness dependence of Нс. The results of measuring the coercive force of differently thick 09G2S steel specimens through non magnetic insulation are presented, as well as the behavior of the relative values of the coercive forceas dependent onmetal and insulation thickness.Foridentical metal thicknesses, the absolute values of the coercive force of different steels may differby a factor of 10 ormore, whereasthe difference in the relative values of Нс with equally decreasing metal thickness does not exceed 15%. The developedtechnique isinsensitivetothe misalignment of the outer and innermetal surfaces,and itenablesthe thickness oflow-alloysteels like 09G2Sto be measured witha relative error of 10%.
Keywords: metallic structure, diagnostics, degradation, corrosion, coercive force, thickness measurement, nonmagnetic insulation
In the oil industry, autonomous electric power sources containing renewable energy sources are used to power remote consumers with an occasional load, mainly valve assemblies on pipelines. The need for electric energy sources of this type is determined by the need to install valve assemblies at pipeline intersections with water barriers, at intersections with transport arteries, and in a number of other cases. Very often in such places there are no available power lines or substations. In this case, the only alternative is the use of autonomous sources, or the expensive construction of an extended overhead line. In some cases, the developer decides to abandon the overhead line due to its high cost and the need for additional land acquisition. From the point of view of ecology, such a decision in favor of autonomous sources of electric energy also has an additional positive effect. Since the installation of valve assemblies is dictated mainly by environmental considerations, high requirements are placed on the reliability of power supply. Violation of these conditions can lead to hydraulic shocks in the system and possible destruction and breakage of system elements. A wind turbine or solar panels are undoubtedly an independent source of power supply and, when paired with batteries or a diesel generator set, can formally provide high reliability of power supply. On the other hand, there are periods of time when the power of a wind turbine or solar battery is insufficient to supply a given load. As a consequence, the decision on the reliability of power supply should be made on the basis of additional studies of the static and dynamic stability of the entire electrical power generation complex.
Keywords: renewable energy sources, valve assembly on pipelines, ecology, static stability, dynamic stability
A model that implements a method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system is considered in the article. The model takes into account both the intensity of the load on the system and the number of channels as a means of protecting information from DDoS attacks based on the combination of theoretical and empirical approaches to assessing security of special purpose automated information system. The transition from a theoretical model using empirical states and continuous time to a discrete time model is applied to build a new model. The purpose of the work is to develop a model that implements a method for assessing the security of a special purpose automated information system against DDoS attacks based on a theoretical-empirical approach to modeling information protection means against DDoS attacks.The following tasks are solved in the article: analysis of known models that implement the method for assessing the security of special purpose automated information system from DDoS attacks; the model which implements a method for assessing the security of special purpose automated information system based on a theoretical-empirical approach to modeling information protection against DDoS attacks is being developed. The use of the new model makes it possible to apply both empirical values obtained as a result of measurements or modeling, and a theoretical basis for modeling information protection means under the influence of DDoS attacks, taking into account their characteristics, which will be reflected by the income function and the choice of the optimal mode of functioning of the special purpose automated information system in discrete moments in time. When synthesizing the models presented in the article, the lack of the static nature of the assessment of the security of the special purpose automated information system was eliminated, the intensity of computer attacks such as DDoS, which dynamically changes both the parameters evaluating the means of protection and the probability of the system being in critical states, was taken into account.
Keywords: automated system, modeling, security assessment, queuing system, probabilistic assessment, DDoS attack
A methodology for building an optimal enterprise architecture was developed to improve the efficiency of using information technologies in the digital industry, aimed at providing information support for production systems using modern integrated information technologies. The architecture is decomposed into a number of representations, which are chosen as invariant aspects determined by the analysis of various models of enterprise architecture. We propose to design of an information support subsystem for development of digital industry enterprise promising architecture as a practical tool. Its elements are formed in the field of information technology as a result, and a comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness of a given enterprise architecture is calculated. The modeled subsystem includes a module for storing and managing enterprise architecture elements, a module for storing and managing enterprise architecture selection criteria, a module for creating a promising enterprise architecture based on the implementation of its modeling algorithms, and a module for generating reports. The subsystem will enable the company to create the conditions for efficient creation and exploration of new types of scientific and technical products, timely to market these products, in particular, to ensure the export potential and import substitution and will reduce the duration of the production cycle, improve the effectiveness of in-service process equipment.
Keywords: enterprise architecture, digital industry, optimal enterprise architecture, information support subsystem
The main process of stratum fluid extraction in Russia is mechanized lifting. It is observed that the stock of wells equipped with electric centrifugal pumps units has grown by 50% over the past 10 years, to almost 100,000 units. Growth detected in the average time between overhauls of the oil-well stock during this period increased by 50%, to almost 800 days. Mathematical modeling becomes a tool for further improving energy efficiency and reliability. The purposes of this work is to analyze existing models of submersible electric motors and their area of operations, identify existing shortcomings and limitations, and formulate requirements for the refined model and its application potential. The results of a thermоvisional inspecting of the rotor of a submersible electric motor after long-term operation in idle mode are presented. The temperature dispersion of the rotor packages is recorded from 36.68 °C to 46.67 °C. Different packages temperatures lead to uneven changes in the active resistances of the windings, which affect the contribution of each package to the integral operating and Electromechanical characteristics of the submersible motor. For taking into account the detected effect, it is proposed to model a submersible asynchronous electric motor as an electrotechnical complex consisting of an interacting and mutually influencing set of elementary electric machines. Spatial and mathematical models are presented that take into account temperature fluctuations in individual parts of the electric motor. The results of verification of the mathematical model are presented. Its validity in the field of applicability is shown.
Keywords: electric submersible motor, ESP, rotor pack, mathematical model, thermal processes
The decentralized electric power supply zone occupies about 60-70% of the territory of the Russian Federation. Electric power supply here is carried out using electric generator sets with diesel drive engines. In combination with the difficult logistics of fuel and lubricants materials delivery, this leads to a high prime cost of electricity energy generated. In the capacity of a measures to the costs of electricity reduction, renewable energy sources are used, while maintaining diesel generation as a guaranteed supplier of electricity. Renewable energy is characterized by significant stochastic fluctuations. Based on experimental data, the article shows that the daily load curves of small settlements contain a significant stochastic component, which greatly exceeds the seasonal, daily, and technological components in amplitude. The purpose of this work is to substantiate the structure and parameters of a hybrid energy storage device (HESD) for the synthesis of electrical power generation complexes using renewable energy sources. Spectral analysis using the window Fourier transform is used as a tool. It is established that the energy approach to the choosing of HESD components requires N types of electric energy storage devices, which differ in the ratio: the permissible frequency of the charge-discharge cycle to the cost of the component. As a criterion for choosing the structure and parameter values of a hybrid energy storage device, an estimate is proposed for the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE).
Keywords: hybrid energy storage, electrotechnical complex, renewable energy, daily load curve, spectral analysis, Fourier series
Using finite differences, a transition is made from a second-order differential equation to a difference equation to describe the dynamics of the integral indicator of product quality. Relationships between the coefficients of the difference equation of quality dynamics and the second-order autoregression equation for the integral quality indicator are determined. On the basis of experimental data on the dynamics of the integral quality indicator, the adequacy of its description by a second-order linear differential equation, as well as the related linear difference equation and the autoregression equation, is substantiated. The analysis of the results of the activities of three Russian enterprises to ensure the quality of the trolleybuses they produce using a generalized analogue of the sensitivity coefficient, the ratio of the average value of the control action to its range and the pulsation coefficient. The relationship between the results of the activities of these enterprises and their further life cycle is considered.
Keywords: quality dynamics, finite difference method, autoregression, integral quality indicator
Methods and results of determining indicators of deformation and strength properties of soils using various laboratory test technologies are considered. The research objective is to verify the methodological correctness of the results obtained from tests in a compression odometer chamber with the ability to measure lateral stresses. The relevance of this development lies in the possibility of replacing this device with testing to determine the strength characteristics of the soil in shear devices. The results of tests of fine sand lying at the base of the projected sports and recreation complex at one of the construction sites in Penza are presented. The influence of the used test methods on the obtained values of the strength and deformability characteristics is shown. Correlation indicators are revealed and corresponding conclusions and proposals are given. There is a possibility that the method is valid when some correlation coefficients are used. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to conduct tests on different types of soils with the possible compilation of tables of conversion factors.
Keywords: sand, laboratory test methods; single-plane cut, odometric tests, strength characteristics, deformation characteristics
The article presents the results of experiments to study the possibility of using machine vision algorithms for identifying timber, in particular round timber, based on the recognition of the image of annual rings taken as a natural marker. Image recognition is carried out using fingerprint identification algorithms. The results of testing several algorithms for fingerprint identification are presented. The analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed method and its suitability for solving such problems is carried out.
Keywords: annual rings, fingerprints, recognition, identification, image processing, pattern recognition, operational accounting, efficiency
The paper discusses modern approaches to the mass valuation of real estate, automated systems for typical buildings assessment, and also provides the development of a method for the continuous assessment of real estate objects, which makes it possible to effectively evaluate groups of real estate objects and infrastructure. This research is aimed at studying the economic component of this process - modeling of a system for assessing the market valuation of real estate in typal development objects. The purpose of the study is to develop a system of continuous assessment (mass valuation) of real estate, taking into account the current methodological support of the process of assessing the market value of real estate, and should contribute to the improvement of the comparative approach to valuation in the framework of the practical activities of appraisers, as well as for state regulation of the real estate market.
Keywords: diversification of management, production diversification, financial and economic purposes of a diversification, technological purposes of ensuring flexibility of production
The paper deals with virtual-optic image processing, particularly – with contrast enhancement, specifically – with control of color saturation contrasts in order to detect latent graphic information. The theorem of a hue invariance at color saturation through RGB-coordinates shift and its brightness restoration through RGB-coordinates proportional variation is proved. Meeting the corresponding requirements for analytical software tools, the original algorithm and program to enhance saturation contrasts were developed. The truncated brightness equation is presented. The possibility to optimize the speed versus accuracy of the conversion is laid. The program was successfully approved: a significant increase in the information content of the image was recorded. The efficiency of the created software product application to expert problems is demonstrated.
Keywords: graphic information, color saturation, saturation contrast, contrast control, algorithm and program, latent images, expert applications
The equations of spinodal decay in binary systems in which there is a phase transition-improper decay are obtained. For the first time, spinodal equations for a phase transition with one multicomponent order parameter (two one-component) are obtained.
Keywords: binary solutions, spinodal decay, structural phase transition
For the three main processes of the enterprise, identified in the decomposition of its activities, a mathematical model in the space of conditions is developed, taking into account their relationship and interaction in the quality management system. For the obtained system of differential equations, the structural composition of the operators included in it is disclosed. An example of the application of the created mathematical model in the study of the functioning of the quality management system using linear and non-linear operators and the action of random external disturbances is considered. A discussion of the simulation results at various parameter values from the point of view of the functioning of the selected processes is presented.
Keywords: differential equation, space of conditions, process, quality management system