Consider the problem the interaction of conical punch with soil base. A scheme of partition the study area into finite elements, The formulation problem, boundary conditions, allowing the equation. Presents some results the calculations.
Keywords: conical punch, foundation, base, axisymmetric problem, stress, displacement.
Analog-to-digital converter, with modulation, amplification and demodulation of the input signal is carried out. To compensate the additional error of voltage conversion, concerned with temperature instability, used dynamic cancellation technique, based on the correlation between offset voltage and modulator temperature fluctuation. ADC with response time 0.85 s performs the threshold of sensitivity 1 nV; 8,5 s - 0,31 nV, 85 s - 0.13 nV, 850 s - 0.1 nV, respectively, in the full-scale range 400 mV. Estimation of offset voltage temperature drift is 40 pV / ºC, time drift - 100 pV / h.
Keywords: analog-to-digital converter, ADC, error cancellation.
Theoretical analysis of constructive and technological restrictions in the avalanche photodiode structure for photon-counting mode is made in this work. It is shown that critical parameters are load resistance and a time constant of a photodiode internal capacity recharge. For decreasing this time constant one needs size restriction of separate section of the photodiode and association of several such sections on a crystal together with registration schemes.
Keywords: Avalanche photodiode, Mode of the account of photons, Constructive-technological restrictions, Model of avalanche breakdown
The stochastic model of an assessment of mechanical characteristics of strength on the basis of the analysis of function of reliability is offered. Communication of function of reliability with normative factor of safety factor is correlated. Recommendations to destination mechanical characteristics of strength on Gauss to a level and factors of a variation are given. Analytical and graphic dependence for optimum purpose of parameters of reliability of units of hardware on the lead strength researches is offered.
Keywords: Strength, reliability, factor of a stock, mechanical characteristics, the likelihood analysis
An accurate solution of problem for a plane horizontal cutout is proposed where stress concentration subject to geometrics of the cutout is considered. This solution makes possible to solve problems relating to optimum designing of structures and machinery with similar technological elements.
Keywords: cutout, conjugation, problem, equation, solution, stress.
Offered graphic-analytical method of estimating loss on heat transfer in tubes on the basis of experiments Myuraura.
Keywords: pipe, heat transfer product, pressure, speed, complex configuration.
In this paper, the task of achieving the optimal bandwidth telecommunication channels. Focuses on technical aspects of managing bandwidth channels using virtual organization switched channels. Formally defined parameters affecting the guaranteed delivery service. A model and management solution parameters guaranteed delivery of information in the communication channels, based on the methods of the theory of stochastic processes theory and risk analysis.
Keywords: reliability of telecommunication systems, telecommunication systems modeling, stochastic processes, optimal risk management.
A new assortments harvesting technology including trunk base swelling processing to improve truck load is described.
Keywords: logging technologies, trunk base swelling, logs cylindering, harvester, forwarder, efficient transportation
Despite the improvement in the overall situation in the Russian sport, its position in the subsidized provincial regions remains difficult. The main reasons lie in the absence of a clear, well thought-out sports policy of the local authorities, preferring the development of professional sports to the detriment of the mass, as well as accessible and complete information about available resources and opportunities (potential) regional sports complex. The article deals with the theoretical issues of system diagnosis of a sports complex in the region, the disclosure of the content of the basic concepts and its economic diagnosis.
Keywords: regional sports complex, resources, opportunities, potential, economic diagnosis.
Tidying of influence of cationic polymer on the basis of alifatichesky amin on loessial soil strengthened by cement. For the purpose of application of local materials in constructive layers of road clothes.
Keywords: Soil Cement, polymer, strength at a bend and compression, water saturation, road clothes.
In this paper we construct complex econometric models, allowing to estimate the value of strategic risks when choosing a development strategy of industrial enterprise on the basis of imitation processes change the current profits and losses of the industrial enterprise in the face of uncertainty, including the assessment model laws distributions of profits and losses, both in the presence and in the absence of historical statistical data.
Keywords: strategic risk, in-house planning. industrial enterprise, risk ratio strategy.
The analysis of operating conditions of transport systems shows that constantly increasing needs for freight transportation at existing level of auto mobilization are accompanied by a number of problems. Lack of a route network and information support about traffic conditions for movement of Lorries involves negative influence on social and economic development of the cities and the country as a whole. Owing to growing load of the highways, increasing intensity of freight automobile transportation in the conditions of the modern large cities megalopolises need of planning and regulation of transport streams sharply is felt. For ensuring comfort to participants of traffic and their informing on a condition of a transport network, for decrease in material and financial expenses the control systems of the traffic which have received the name Intellectual Transport Systems were created.
Keywords: motor transport, cargo transportation, intellectual transport systems, modeling.
The results of studies of the effect of complex polyfunctional additives consisting of superplasticizer stabilizer and redispersible powder on strength and shrinkage of cement paste.
Multiplicative model is developed, with which is possible to regulate the formation and development of deformation strength compositions for various compositions of dry building mixes. Dependencies describing the influence of the complex polymer additives on the formation and development of the deformation strength of cement stone. The functions of the coefficient values depending on the dosage used additives.
Keywords: dry mortar, cement stone, additives, modifiers, superplasticizer additive stabilizing effect, redispersible polymer powders, strength, shrinkage deformation.