Due to the intensive development of digital technologies, significant progress is be-ing observe in the creation of automated systems and technologies. One of the most pressing problems at the present stage of industrial development is the presence of cases of oil spills caused because of technological accidents and accidents. With advanced achievements in the field of digital technologies, it seems possible to au-tomate the process of identifying oil spills. The main purpose of the current article is to analyze the possibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles to perform automatic identification of oil spills. The author investigates this issue, and presents an option to increase the use of these systems based on the development of a special image-processing algorithm based on exponential accumulation and the variance method. The results of the work confirm the hypothesis of the effective use of unmanned aerial vehicles for automatic identification of oil spills.
Keywords: automation, unmanned aerial vehicle, oil spill, identification, image processing
Lighting design using computer–aided design systems is an urgent and in-demand necessity that is being actively improved. The possibilities of importing and exporting 3D- models of objects into circuit modeling programs are considered, and the supported formats of 3D models of objects in three-dimensional modeling programs are compared. The main formats of photometric data files used in each of the programs for working with lighting projects are listed, examples of correct and incorrect import of three-dimensional models of objects for further work on creating lighting projects are given. The ways of solving the problems of importing and exporting object models, taking into account the textures scaled on the model itself, are proposed. The programs are considered with the allocation of opportunities and features of work in each of them. Various additions to the programs aimed at working with textures for three-dimensional objects are presented.
Keywords: automation of lighting modeling, import, export, 3D object model, texture, program, data format, lighting design
The service life of shut-off valves operated at sites of hazardous production facilities with ultra-high parameters of the working environment is largely limited by the wear resistance of contact surfaces. In this regard, to increase the durability of contact surfaces, technological methods are used to modify the surface and special functional coatings are used. The development and selection of new functional coatings are inextricably linked with their comparative study based on the determination of the most significant characteristics through testing. The purpose of this work is an analytical review of the most common test methods for evaluating the characteristics of multicomponent nanocomposite coatings applied to the contact surfaces of valves to increase their wear resistance. Based on the results of the analytical review, recommendations are given for testing multicomponent nanocomposite coatings.
Keywords: pipeline fittings, functional coatings, test methods, service life, wear, friction, hardness, corrosion, tribology
The purpose of this work is to implement a system for predicting electricity consumption in food production and to select the most appropriate method for training the forecasting model. In this work, a system was implemented for predicting electricity consumption based on streaming data, which receives them in "real time". The system is implemented on the principle of microservice architecture, where the following were implemented: a service for collecting data from meters, a service for data aggregation and forecasting services. Two forecasting services were implemented: using the classical learning approach based on the ARIMA model and the online learning approach using the HATR online model, the results of which were compared using tests for predicting anomalous values and forecasting under conditions of a change in the data concept, or drift concepts.
Keywords: machine learning, online learning, online model, concept drift, data drift
The concept of a fibrous material (hereinafter referred to as FM) as a soft structure formed by fiber elements surrounded by air and areas of fiber interaction on touch surfaces is proposed and substantiated. The fiber elements are in a deformed state. The deformation of the fibers is reversible, elastic-elastic. In the areas of interaction between the fibers, the forces of adhesion and dry friction act. The deformation of the fibers leads to the preservation of residual internal energy in the material. At low loads, the FM can change its state reversibly. At high loads, the structure of the interaction sites irreversibly changes. The processes of aging and degradation of FM are gradual irrevocable transitions from one group of states to others. The dynamics of these processes is statistical in nature. Therefore, a Markov model of state change has been developed in the form of several subsets of irrevocable subsets and one ergodic subset of states. At the qualitative level, the possibility of using the proposed model to describe the dynamics of FM aging processes and estimate the duration of this process, taking into account its probabilistic and statistical nature, is shown.
Keywords: fibrous material, aging, soft structure, elasto-elastic deformation, irreversible process, markov model, statistical dynamics
To solve the problem with a large time delay in combined control systems, it is proposed to introduce an additional control circuit for the speed of paper pulp intake. The introduced circuit will function alternately with the current pressure control circuit inside the pressure device.
Keywords: Paper-making machine, pressure device, paper mass intake, paper web weight, computer modeling, regulator.
The paper considers the types and classification of industrial PID controllers according to various types and groups. A group of linear controllers has been identified, which includes PID controllers, which are most widely used in various technical devices. Some well-known software systems that provide calculations for PID controllers are given. The transition from the mathematical notation of the trapezoidal expansion of the transfer function of the PID controller, used in the PID Tune option of the Matlab environment, to the equivalent transfer function, represented by the symbolic coefficients of the numerator and denominator polynomials, is shown. A theorem is proved that shows a one-to-one correspondence between the parameters P, I, D of the controller and the coefficients of the resulting transfer function. Flowcharts of algorithms for calculating transfer function coefficients (TF) from known values of controller parameters and calculating transfer function coefficients from known values of controller parameters are given. An illustrative example is considered.
Keywords: PID controller, transfer function, block diagram of the algorithm, Matlab environment
Issues of high-quality and reliable water supply are closely related to automation and management of engineering systems for stormwater and wastewater treatment. Options for managing continuous technological processes formulate different goals. Different control algorithms correspond to different variants, and, consequently, different methods of algorithmic support systems and control system structures. The expediency of dividing the general task of sorption purification control into several subtasks of a smaller dimension is shown where the control system acquires a hierarchical structure: at the lower level, the task of separate adsorption tanks controlling is solved, at the upper level, the task of controlling the entire purification plant as a whole. The criterion of operational management is provided. The scheme of adaptive control of continuous sorption purification systems is given.
Keywords: stormwater and wastewater, automation and control, continuous operation systems, sorption purification, control algorithms, mathematical model, optimality criterion, autonomous and dispatcher modes, hierarchical control system
The article reveals the problem, that arises as a result of generalized training of specialists according to the International Electrotechnical Commission standard 61131-3. The standard regulates the languages in which software is developed for programmable logic controllers. Training according to the standard allows a specialist to work with any controllers developed by any manufacturers, the downside of which is an insufficiently in-depth studying of the additional potentials of controllers, that are typical for the models of the particular manufacturer. Further, we consider a number of specific special functions of the FBD language using the example of programmable relays LOGO! by Siemens, which are not typical for the other devices, that work in this language, then we observe the examples of using these functions in various technological processes. Also, we get to know the abilities to transfer the parameters betweenparts of the program by using so-called link and the features of the implementationof pulse-width modulation in LOGO! controllers.And finally,we comprehend methods of working with analog signals including analog calculations and the option of non-standard using of the minimum/maximum search function as a storage element.A lot of developers ignore similar functions, because they are not covered in the training courses. Using of special functions simplifies the development of programs and provides additional capabilities for the programmer.Therefore, the necessity of a deeper studying of the capabilities of a certain controller seems to be apparent.
Keywords: programmable logic controllers, functional block diagrams, specialist training, analog signal processing, rarely used functions
The article presents the experience of automating the process of secondary sludge preparation in autoclave aerated concrete technology. It is proposed to use a non-cut non-isotope density meter of domestic production as a recording sensor. The algorithm of the system operation and the scheme of the technological process fragment are presented.
Keywords: automation, control system, production process, autoclave aerated concrete, secondary sludge, algorithm, density meter, quality of the finished product, sludge pool, density
Liquid pumping processes which require flow variations over a wide range are often equipped with centrifugal pumps connected in parallel. In such pumping systems, speed control enables the required capacity to be achieved with different numbers of pump units running and the selected speed values. The information required for modeling such systems, such as wastewater treatment and various cooling and water supply tasks, can be scarce, and the lack of real-time monitoring of operating points often sets limitations for precise optimization of energy efficiency. Consequently, easily implementable control strategies that can be adopted with minimal system data are needed, requiring adaptive methods. A significant part of pumping stations operate in conditions when the flow rate and the required pressure vary widely, which can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of their management and, as a consequence, a decrease in energy efficiency. Therefore, it should be noted that the task of choosing the optimal strategy for controlling pumping units during their parallel operation is very relevant.
Keywords: pumping units, energy efficiency, modeling, rotation speed, speed control
The article presents the results of the development of research in the field of automated training of operators of technological processes (on the example of loading and unloading machines) on computer training complexes (CTC). A feature of the developed CTCs is an intelligent automated system (AS) for monitoring the formation of sensorimotor skills, based on mathematical models and algorithms for representing knowledge about the technological process, automated design of training courses for professional training of operators in a virtual production environment, and automatic assessment of the formation of skills. The use of CTC for training operators of loading and unloading machines based on an intelligent AS helps to improve the quality of the formation of professional skills for the effective and safe implementation of technological processes in various fields (for example, river and sea ports, construction, mining) based on the results of training courses.
Keywords: loading and unloading machines, technological process, computer training complex, professional skills, sensorimotor skills, intelligent automated systems
The tasks of preparing for the modernization of the automatic pressure control system with the transition from the use of a PD controller in favor of a PID controller and the introduction of a controlled electric fan drive in a boiler plant are being solved. A technique for constructing a fan model in the automatic control system for air supply to the boiler is given using the example of a VD-18 blower fan and a BKZ-160 boiler. The block diagram of the operation of the fan and pipeline is given. A mathematical model of the fan is shown, a calculation is made and a computer model is designed in MATLAB Simulink. The simulation results are presented, which prove the correctness of the obtained model. The presented model can serve as a basis for automating the air supply system in other boilers using blowers.
Keywords: automatic pressure control system, automatic control system, dynamic model, computer model, blower fan, boiler plant
The review is devoted to the integration of PLM systems into the 1C:ERP system. The article presents definitions of PLM and ERP systems. The analysis of the data presented in modern sources proves the effectiveness of the integration of systems for the exchange of design and technological data about the product and normative reference information with the production management system. Overview of the implementation of PLM and ERP systems in enterprises. Description of integration errors and possible solutions. The evaluation of the analyzed results from the standpoint of the efficiency of production process management confirms the feasibility of using integrated systems at the enterprise.
Keywords: enterprise resource planning, product lifecycle management, enterprise management, integration, product lifecycle
The main task in the development and integration of digital automation tools is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise. One of the most relevant areas of integra-tion of such solutions is port activity. The purpose of the current article is to ana-lyze the issues of improving the efficiency of port activities based on intelligent au-tomation tools. The author considers in more detail the solution of the presented problem based on the integration of neural video analytics solutions. The paper us-es theoretical research methods, as well as the results of foreign and domestic scien-tific research. The scientific significance of the work lies in the attempt to systema-tize knowledge about methods of increasing the efficiency of port activities based on intelligent automation tools.
Keywords: port activity, automation, neural video analytics, enterprise, artificial intelligence
The article presents a study of accidents on the roads involving children and persons under the age of majority. An analysis was made of the legal norms for the protection of the rights of the child on the roadway. In addition, an additional means of reducing accidents on the roads, as well as its location relative to the pedestrian, was identified.
Keywords: accident, traffic accident, child, children, incident, road, section, pedestrian
The article raises the issue of maintaining the stability of the power system, including maintaining the balance of electric power. The occurrence of power imbalance can be determined by a criterion such as frequency. The authors have proposed a method of maintaining frequency including maintaining power balance in the power system by changing voltage on electric energy consumers, a hypothesis has been set and a corresponding laboratory study has been carried out, as a result of which dependence of frequency change on voltage of some electric power receivers has been obtained. A device an automatic unloading regulation of voltage has been developed and described, which will make it possible to supplement the existing emergency control equipment.
Keywords: renewable energy sources, grid inverters, mode parameters, Clark conversions, Park conversions
This work is devoted to the research and development of an automated control system for the technological process of leading of long sleeves. Long sleeves are an important and promising direction for the development of industrial and metallurgical industries. Now there is a wide variety of designs and sizes of sleeves. However, there are four main methods of their manufacture: mandrel, half-mandrel, without mandrel and on flexible mandrels. The article presents an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Mastering and improving the technology of manufacturing sleeves on flexible mandrels is the main way to increase the volume and speed of sleeve production. The results of mathematical modeling of the automated system are presented. The simulation was performed using the ViSim software tool. The control object is a lead melting bath. The temperature of lead is accepted as an adjustable technological parameter. The method of passive experiment was used to build an automated control system.
Keywords: automated control system, technological process, long sleeve, lead, temperature, mathematical modeling, control object, transfer function, control parameters
The article presents the results of the calculation and analysis of the distribution of field strength in the area of the measuring ring of the capacitive transducer for various geometric dimensions of the electrodes. Also, the appropriate distance between the electrodes and their size in the primary converter system were determined to assess the quality of mixing natural and chemical fibers at the output of tape equipment.
Keywords: fiber mixing quality, electromagnetic field, capacitive estimation method, conformal transformations
The article describes the development of a virtual emulator of the polyvinyl chloride drying process. The development of the emulator is implemented using the Omegaland development environment. The characteristics and functional structure of the polyvinyl chloride drying process in a fluidized bed dryer are presented. Mathematical models of elements of simulated system are considered, algorithm of their operation is characterized. The steps of developing a virtual polyvinyl chloride drying simulator are described. The flowchart is assembled in the OmegaLand Visual Modeler modeling environment. The fluidized bed dryer module was developed in the integrated development environment of Microsoft Visual Studio in the C++ programming language. The developed dryer model was integrated into the Omegaland library. The developed dryer model was tested in the emulation mode of the polyvinyl chloride drying process.
Keywords: mathematical model, drying, polyvinyl chloride, Omegaland, emulator, virtual simulator, fluidized bed dryer
The results of the development of a software package are presented that allow training personnel to work in a district heating system to ensure a reliable process of energy transportation in heat networks. The developed simulator described in the article is a software package that includes a SCADA system and a Termas client for modeling and simulation operation of the district heating system. The simulator consists of a thermal-hydraulic mathematical model of the operating modes of the heating network, software and information support for setting up the operating modes of the simulator and assessing the actions of the personnel by the instructor based on the results of work on the simulator. The requirements for the functionality of the simulator are presented. The Demand Analysis application was used to collect data on energy consumption and outdoor temperature. The process of operation of the simulator in the simulation and modeling mode for the heat networks of the city of Yekaterinburg is presented. The developed software simulator makes it possible to simulate an accident, train personnel in the skills of safe equipment control in complex non-stationary modes. The software package allows you to reduce energy costs.
Keywords: training simulator, software, district heating, heating networks, SCADA system, Termis platform, model, temperature, accident
The article discusses one of the approaches to the management of the ore grinding circuit, in particular, the process of loading the ore mill. For maximum performance, the mill must be loaded 47-50%, there are several ways to measure the mill load level. In this paper, we consider one of the methods of measuring the level of loading of the mill, in order to control the loading of the mill. The article investigates the prospect of using an extreme controller in conjunction with the observer States in the implementation of the control circuits mill loading. The resulting control system produces load control based on the current drive power of the mill. The peculiarity of this control system is that it is able not only to control the mill, but also to recognize the overload and take measures to prevent an emergency. There is no need for additional subsystems and algorithms. In addition, two models of management systems were developed and their effectiveness was compared. The advantages of using the state observer with respect to the classical extreme regulator are indicated.
Keywords: ball mill, automating, mathematical model, control loop, observer state, extreme controller
The article presents the dependence of the change in the intensity of emission during the passage of an infrared flux through a two-component material, which allows for a fractional assessment of a mixture of natural and chemical fibers. On the basis of the obtained dependence on experimental data, a mathematical model has been constructed that makes it possible to quantify the distribution of dissimilar fibers in a mixture. The modelling results showed that after the second transition on the draw frame, the so-called "stretching" defect is observed, which characterizes the uneven distribution of fibers in the product cross section.
Keywords: emission intensity, infrared evaluation method, mixing of dissimilar fibers, fractional composition, measuring device
At present time, there are attempts to design and produce forest machines of highly-demanded classes in Russia. The paper evaluates the efficiency of forest machines under identical operating conditions. The analysis showed the possibility of using harvesters and forwarders of joint Belarusian and domestic production for logging works as an alternative to foreign forest machines. Evaluation of proposals revealed advanced Russian and Chinese models of forest machines. The research showed that in our country there are prerequisites for the development of forestry machine-building, while the main problem is the lack of production technologies for the manufacture of modern technological equipment and components. Under these conditions, the evolution of production on the national territory of forest machines and technological equipment without involving domestic or foreign capital and innovative technologies is a difficult task.
Keywords: domestic forest machine building, development prospects, forest machines, production
The article outlines the features of the developed algorithm for controlling autonomous industrial forest management facilities under real operating conditions under the forest canopy. A significant challenge faced by the developers in the presented algorithm was the practical absence of global navigation in the areas of use of potential autonomous industrial forest management objects. Thus the only alternative was local positioning algorithms, which of the existing ones were also unserviceable under real forest canopy conditions. The problem was exacerbated by the high requirements for positioning accuracy not so much for autonomous objects as for positioning accuracy relative to the object of work of the contact elements of technological equipment directly implementing the operations of the industrial timber harvesting process. The developed concept of local positioning has no analogues in the world, belongs to the algorithms of the latest generation, created by the authors on the basis of mathematical modelling of the operations of industrial forestry process and implemented in registered software complexes to manage the information flows that ensure the sustainable functioning of autonomous objects of industrial forestry in real operating conditions.
Keywords: algorithm, method, synthesis, positioning technology, control method, digital model, automation, digitalisation, modelling