Considered the questions connected with estimation of mechanical properties of steel elements of metal construction. The measurements are performed in a non-destructive method on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the implementation of the conical indenter in surface materials. This method allows you to get the values of all mechanical characteristics of metal. The measurement of mechanical characteristics can be made to anywhere in the design. At the same time, when large amounts of construction and large volumes of measuring works, you need to evaluate a sufficient number of measurements in a particular place. Proposed and implemented the Bayesian method of consideration of a priori information to reduce the number of dimensions and complexity of the process of receiving mechanical characteristics.
Keywords: nondestructive control, mechanical characteristics, durability, diagnostics, aprioristic information, metal tests.
Discusses the calculation of stress-strain State of glued structural sheathing to the test to determine the calibration of the test stand
Keywords: Finite elements method, Stress concentration, Skin, Test, Prediction.
In article the way of definition of a technical condition of the household refrigerating device providing its simplification, raising reliability and autonomy of process of an estimation of its technical condition is presented .
Keywords: The household refrigerating device, a technical condition, an estimation
"The mechanical properties of the rubber-cord composite in strengh analysis are described. There is an algorithm of the numerical estimation of the effective (average) properties of the rubber-cord. The effective properties are defined by the successive application of different deformations to the representative volume of the rubber-cord composite (tensions along each coordinate axis and shifts in each cooridinate planes). The effective properties are defined in form of the generalized Hooke's law (for anisotropic materials). A serias of computations in estimatition of the effective properties of double-layer rubber-cord composite was carried out based on the proposed algorithm. The dependence of the effective elastic modules of rubber-cord on the angle of cord was explored. The according graphs are represented in the article."
Keywords: theory of elasticity, effective properties, strength analysis, rubber-cord, numerical modeling, finite element method, CAE FIDESYS
This paper describes an in-situ experimental technique to study of ceria nanocatalysts by using X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy XANES. This technique allows us to determine Ce3+ concentration inside ceria nanoparticles in the course of catalytic reaction based on the comparison and divergence minimization of the Ce L3 XANES spectrum of the ceria nanoparticles under catalysts (atmosphere, temperature) with a linear combination of two independent components corresponding to spectra of Ce4+ ion of the CeO2 structure and Ce3+ ion of the theoretical Ce2O3 structure. The calculated weight ratio determines the Ce3 + concentration in the sample during the catalytic reactions.
Keywords: in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, HERFD, XAS, ceria nanoparticles, Ce-based catalysts, Ce3+ concentration
In article gasdynamic approach for the solution of a task on heat distribution in simple gas pipelines on the basis of consideration of a current of gas in a laminar mode is considered. The objective is solved by means of research of system of the equations of work of extending gas taking into account an assessment of difference of temperatures at explosive decomposition of a working product. Classical approaches to research of distribution of heat in a simple cylindrical pipe are thus taken as a basis the main dependences characterizing both full, and the current work of a working product by means of correction coefficients and a ratio of temperatures of heating of walls Are presented. Connection between pressure is established at different weight ratios of gas. The specified approach can be used as a technique of model research of gasdynamic processes taking into account a thermolysis in gas pipelines.
Keywords: thermolysis, gas pipeline, gas work, temperature, pressure
"This review covers various methods of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics. The general analysis of the solid-phase synthesis reactions methods and wet methods (sol-gel, sorption, co-precipitation) are carred out. The original results of LaMnO3 syntheses from various precursors by means of the in situ method are showned. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods of synthesis are determined. The analysis of synthesis LaMnO3 ferroics published data is shown:
- the structure formation of LaMnO3 in perovskite-type phases occurs at different temperatures, depending on precursors states;
- LaMnO3 perovskite phases differ in symmetry and unit cells parameters at room temperature, depending on the preparation conditions;
- the highest synthesis temperature of LaMnO3 are typical for solid phase reactions method (950-1050 ° C), the lowest - for wet synthesis methods (500-700 ° C);
- the synthesis conditions effect the stoichiometry of LaMnO3 for oxygen content.
Our studies of structure formation processes of LaMnO3 by in situ method are allowed to define the role of precursors states at synthesis of solid phase reactions methods, adsorption, co-precipitation and sol-gel mixtures.
It is determined that in samples prepared by wet chemical methods, the formation processes of LaMnO3 perovskite phases occur at lower temperatures than by solid phase reaction (sol-gel precursor - 500 <T <600 ° C; precursors obtained by coprecipitation and sorption methods - at 600 <T <700 ° C and 700 <T <800 ° C, respectively).
Keywords: ferroics, LaMnO3, X-ray diffraction, solid-phase synthesis, sol-gel synthesis, sorption, co-precipitation
The problems of mm propagation: rain attenuation, depolarization and gaseous absorption are considered, and the estimate of the energy potential of wireless mobile data transport networks is given. The dependence on the output power of the distance and the total losses, and the necessary signal levels for different types of modulation being shown. The estimate of the interfering transmitters effect of side lobes of the antenna is given.
Keywords: radio wave propagation, mm range, energy potential, rain clutter, side lobes, polar pattern
To the Volgodon settlement-system has developed thematic maps of subsiding soils, indicating their capacity, groundwater levels, landslide and erosion hazards. Sources of information were the materials of the geological surveys, remote sensing of the Earth and local geological maps . Application of GIS-technologies and numerical geofiltration has significantly increased the quality of the results. On the basis of the results, has developed a comprehensive map of geological hazards.
Keywords: geological hazard, modeling, geofiltration, subsidence, landslides, erosion, underflooding, remote sensing
There is an expert system of electric transformer's diagnostics. This system can substitutes an expert and to choose the right decision in technical service and repairmen an electric transformer of railway electric substations. The article analyzes the modern methods of diagnostics and control the remaning life of electric transformer of railway electric substation. This analysis shows that all methods of diagnostics can determines the defect when it appeared. The task to create automated neural system for prediction the defect in the future. It is proposed to use expert system with the recurrent neural network, because it has ability to predict the time series.
Keywords: Electric railways, electric transformer, railway electric substation, diagnostics of operating condition, prediction
Defined criteria for identification of defect parameters, on the basis of the analysis of the different modes of own fluctuations, with the use of finite element modal calculation console corpulent model of a rod with a single defect. Developed finite element model of a universal complex . Considered corpulent (3-d) model on the basis of 3D finite element Solid92. When solving the problem considered on 26 oscillation modes depending on the size of the defect and its location.
Keywords: Damaged, defective, swing, cantilever, frequency
The task of identification of defects in rods with different variants of fastening. In the basis of lies method parameter identification based on an analysis of the frequencies and parameters of natural modes of the structure. Built model of the rod design has defects fluctuations, using finite element of the complex
Keywords: Defect, damage, rod, the oscillations of the cantilever rod
Solution for high-speed video transmission in hydroacoustic channel by amplitude modulation with orthogonal subcarriers is specified. Results of method experimental check are presented. Discussed method is doppler-tolerant and can be realized in many common DSPs.
Keywords: hydroacousitcs, video transmission, amplitude modulation
Stated direction of the local regional market drugs (LP). The characteristics of a conceptual approach to local markets, taking into account the formation of pricing and analysis of Control at the regional level. The questions assess the potential of the region in the space LP system. The mechanism of the development of regional strategies with methods and instruments for the implementation of the LP on the materials of the Stavropol Territory.
Keywords: analysis of the problems of the local market drugs (LP), a conceptual approach to the development and functioning of the regional market potential of the LP and the attributes of its development strategy
In article the role of computer technologies is considered at training mathematics and their use in professional work. Are analyzed professional mathematics packages.
Keywords: Computer technologies, professional mathematical packages, educational activity of students