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  • Technology of formation of readiness of the future IT experts to interprofessional interaction

    The author's technology of formation of readiness of students of IT specialities of high school to the interprofessional interaction, focused on development  the values connected with interprofessional interaction is considered; adaptabilities;  self-control, the concept "readiness for interprofessional interaction" is specified with reference to a theme of research 

    Keywords: The IT expert, interprofessional interaction, technology, preparation of experts in high school

  • Implementation of the program of the academic and social adaptation of students of 1 course in technical college

    It is the purpose of this article the academic and social adaptation program for first-year students description and preparation and implementation process of this program in Tomsk polytechnical university presentation. Most often meeting curators problems in the program implementation process are noted and ways their solutions are proposed.

    Keywords: academic and social adaptation, curator of group, program implementation, educational process, first-year student

  • The functionality of the hardware-software complex «myocom»

      This article describes the purpose, functionality and the main field of application of hardware-software complex "MYOCOM". In particular, the criteria determining structures are described by the schema and the hardware capabilities of the device to register electromyogram. Program-methodical maintenance of the complex is divided into three groups: research section, which allows you to plan and assess the results of the experiment; analysis of the functions of the muscles on EMG parameters; rehabilitation exercise equipment on the basis of biological feedback. The paper describes the possibility of synchronization of the complex "MYOCOM" with other devices.

    Keywords: Electromyography, diagnostics, rehabilitation, synchronization

  • Perception of a political order among students of Vladikavkaz in 2012

    Research presented the analysis of the cognitive components of the perception of the political order based on the pilot questioning in Vladikavkaz in 2012. 47 respondents took part in questioning. The questionnaire included a subjective assessment of the following levels the participation in political processes; the emotional involvement into them; discussion of the these processes; economic welfare; social protection; life prospects. In addition, the questionnaire included questions about the degree of religiosity, and also the general questions characterizing the respondent (a sex, age, a nationality, level of parents education). To assess the level of deprivation used the subjective opinion of respondents on the levels of economic welfare and social protection, assessment of prospects in life, and also the degree of involvement in various political processes. Received, the level of involvement of young people in Vladikavkaz in the political processes in society - 1.28, the level of emotional involvement - 1.91. Average consistent level comments political processes in the family - 2.15.  The level of economic well-being and average level of social protection of students: 2.27 and 2.34. Assessment of prospects in life is average - 2.96. It was revealed in 2012, there is a low level of participation in political life with a low level of involvement in the political process. Some parameters of relative deprivation is average, and it is expected that this component will not lead to the formation of political tension.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Dynamics of a cognitive component group setting among students of Grozny in relation to a political order (according to 2011 - 2012)

    Researches based on results of the questioning among the students of Grozny (GGNI), conducted in 2011 - 2012. Over the entire study period, 525 people were interviewed. The questionnaire consisted of questions focused at identifying the subjective opinions on own relation of respondents to a political order, and also questions opening level of a group relative deprivation. The received results of a cognitive component were processed by a method of the statistical analysis in software package SPSS. It is revealed, increase the level of relative deprivation among a group of students, which may indicate an increase in the level of political tension. Detected, reducing the level of emotional involvement in the political life of the Republic, which is exacerbated by increased levels of alienation from the political process. In the identification of situations among student of Grozny need to direct efforts local government at ending the fall of the level of emotional involvement, as well as to control the level of relative deprivation with fixing it to reach the middle level.

    Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation in relation to a political order, cognitive component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics

  • Information about authors (№1, 2013)

    Information about authors of issue №1 (2013)

    Keywords: authors

  • Stability analysis of slope cultivated wetland soils

      The article describes a new technology reclamation processing sloping land without recourse reservoir using subs oiler chisel type. Shows a model of stability of slopes wetland soils processed by the proposed method. 

    Keywords: stability, subsurface wall area loosening, sloping lands, accumulation of moisture-treated layer, wetland soils, deep loosening

  • Socio-psychological mechanisms of formation of corporate culture of students in higher educational establishments

      This article discusses some of the social and psychological mechanisms of formation of corporate culture, developing in the process of interpersonal interaction of teachers and students of the University. The need to examine corporate culture of higher education gives the opportunity to all participants in the educational process to identify themselves with the institution of higher education to successfully adapt to the social norms and values of the University. It shapes standards of behavior and responsibility for their implementation, as well as having a great influence both on the individual and the University as an organization and society at large. Corporate culture provides more efficient activity of the University, and its main purpose is to participate in shaping the future of skilled professionals.

    Keywords: corporate culture, interpersonal communication, adaptation, extroversion, introversion, neuroticism

  • The emotional component of the group's political attitudes of students Rostov state university of civil engineering at the end of 2012

    Monitoring group's political attitudes among students RSUCE was conducted in November - December 2012, as a continuation of the long-term research. Primary data were collected by means of the questionnaire survey conducted by the method of semantic differential. Osgud's classical questions are put in a basis of the questionnaire. Students were offered to estimate the relation to four types of political orders. Two real, local and Central orders. And two ideal orders: the perfect positive political order that the Respondent satisfied in all respects, and the perfect negative, completely not arranging the respondent. According to the obtained data the average semantic portraits characterizing group perception of two real and two ideal political orders were constructed. Group emotional perception was estimated according to the degree of closeness images of real orders to the images of the corresponding ideal constructs in the space of the primary signs and in the space of the identified factors. Linear approximation according to which level of emotional perception is proportional to half-difference of relative distances from an image of a real order to images of negative and positive orders respectively was used. It is received that for the end of 2012 the students RSUCE perceived both local and central political orders negatively, with levels of emotional perception rloc=-0,26 and rCentr=-0,39. The estimation of the confidence of these results was carried out. It was equal 0,8.

    Keywords: questioning, semantic differential, political order, level of emotional perception, theory of an ideal point, linear approximation, confidence level

  • The influence of fluorinated surface-active substances physical and mechanical properties of nickel phosphate coating

    Influence of the fluorinated surface-active substances entered info a solution of chemical nickel plating, on operational properties nickel-phosphoric of the coverings besieged from investigated structures (solutions) is considered.

    Keywords: nickel-phosphoric of the covering; surface-active substances; operational properties

  • Psychosemantical analysis of perception the political order in a stressful condition

    This paper focuses on defining the elements forming the political tension - on the emotional component of a group of political attitude. Baseline data were obtained by questionnaire. All were interviewed 66 patients. Respondents were asked to rate 20 attributes-antonyms two "ideal", positive and negative political orders. And two real order: in Region and in Russia as a whole. It is shown that the investigated audience is characterized by low political activity, and the activity of the emotional perception of the existing orders of magnitude higher than the perception of ideal constructs. An unexpected result of a negative perception of the political order in Russia in a whole, the local order in due permanent stressful situation for the given audience. People normally (or neutral) treat policy which always acts them through region policy. And of the troubles accuse (probably unconsciously) change of a political system which associates at them with center policy. 

    Keywords: political order, semantic differential, factor analysis, the emotional component, questionnaire

  • Research of the cognitive component of group political installation in the stressful situation

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the political tensions among the population in relation to the political process. Respondents were asked to rate a five-point scale: the level of their involvement in the political processes occurring, the degree of their emotional involvement in the political process, whether in the family to talk about politics, the level of their economic well-being, level of social protection and perspectives on life in a whole. The questionnaire included questions of religiousness level, and also the general questions characterizing the respondent (a sex, age, a nationality, level education). This paper focuses on the analysis of the cognitive component of group policy settings. The data of the cognitive and emotional component identifies: the people being in a stressful situation in the troubles are inclined to blame a general political system for Russia, instead of regional structures. The group of respondents in a critical situation was alienated. Presence of a hopelessness, isolation on the problems does people by the most passive in occurring political life. Therefore, there is a neutral and indifferent to your local and regional political organizations. Average indicators of levels of economic welfare, social security and prospects on the future talk about the stability and steady average level of assessments. Thus, this indicates a low level of deprivation study audience.

    Keywords: political order, relative deprivation, descriptive statistics, group attitude in relation to the political order, the cognitive component, questionnaire

  • Simulation of the design activity diversification of innovative enterprise

    We consider two different manufacturing techniques developed screw piles ACSYS. The order of devices of this type of piles. Describes the advantages of the pile ACSYS in comparison to other existing precast, vibrodent and rammed piles. Marked features of work in a structurally unstable soils.

    Keywords: screw pile, AXIS, subsiding soils, screw, load capacity, screw skvazhinoobrazovatel, besklinkernom binder, vent soil liner

  • Level of emotional perception of a political order by students of RSUCE on the beginning of 2012

    Results of the flight research spent in April - among students of RSUCE are brought May, 2012. The Main objective of research - definition of the emotional relation of students to local and central political orders. Primary data are received by questioning on a method of semantic differential. By the received results semantic portraits of four types of political usages (two ideal constructions and two above-stated real orders), relative distances in semantic space between images of these usages are defined. That has allowed to calculate levels of emotional perception of local and central political usages in linear approach.

    Keywords: questioning, semantic differential, affective component, group installation, political order, level of emotional perception

  • Formation of the system of production quality assurance based on the use of the process aproach

    This article is dedicated to theoretical issues of development of the production quality improvement system in the small- and middle-sized enterprises. This system is based on the process-based approach. Briefly the theoretical issues of process-based approach and the main concepts are given. The concept of production quality improvement system and the distinctions from well-known process-based quality management are also given. Objectives and principles of this system are defined by the authors. Also the recommendations by selection of method of assessing the effectiveness of the system.

    Keywords: quality production management, process-based management, quality management system, small- and middle-sized enterprises