This paper proposes a method for detecting damage truss rod cantilever structure on the basis of new information sign "Express - distinguishing between" damage. It is based on the analysis of the phase diagrams for modeling its transient oscillations. Produced comparison of various parameters damped oscillations truss rod design for the structure without damage and corruption. Processed and analyzed the frequency response based on them phase diagrams. To analyze the response considered in the frequency range from 0 to 100 Hz. An analysis of the phase diagrams in different frequency regions design is presented as an information sign "Express - distinction" of having damage to the truss.
Keywords: Truss rod design, damage, finite element modeling, information sign, transient fluctuations of the amplitude-frequency analysis, phase diagrams
There are considering problems of Arctic Marine Space Planning (AMSP) In-formation Maintanence, are presenting results of research of possible mechanisms of SSP principles realization on base of different organizing structures. As one of structure is considering principal of uniting for systems of control by boats traffic (SCBT) and regional integral automative monitoring systems of situation (RIASMS) by the way to uniting of ASMS jointly acting on the region. Main results were have received on common developments of Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHMU), JSC “Leninetz” and Arctic Public Academy of Sciences (APAS) in frame of Technological platform (TP) “Mastering of Ocean”. Initiators and participants of the platform are scientific, industrial, educational enterprises and public organizations. Analisis of Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHMU) participation in field of marine device-designing and information technologies of ocean mastering is presented.
Keywords: monitoring, сomplexing, Arctic, Gulf of Finland, ice fathometer, sound-imaging device, hydroacoustic station
With the safety position and the environmental and economic feasibility of perspectivity renunciation of the use of imported liquefied chlorine (substance of 2 hazard class) and replacing it with an electrolytic solution of sodium hypochlorite (4 hazard class), produced by on-site consumption. Hydrogen, which is a waste product , is thus partially (15-20%) to reduce the need Rostov TEP-2 in this matter and to provide a corresponding reduction in energy and economic costs.
Keywords: liquefied chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen, emergency, chlorination plant, hydrogen generation, energy efficiency, resource conservation, safety
Negative environmental impacts from the enterprises of construction materials industry could be evaluated by the volume of emissions into the atmosphere suspended solid particles with different aerodynamic diameters. The Problem solution of raising the level of atmosphere protection from the negative effects of pollution sources mostly depends on getting and processing information about particulate dust characteristics. Dispersed composition of dust make possible to design the better way for improving the protection level of air pollution by fine particles dust.
Keywords: particle, dispersed, particulate, gypsum, emissions, pollution source, dust emissions,unorganized, efficiency, concentration, air
Increasing the level of protection of the air environment of the fine dust is to address the issue of selection of the optimal operating parameters of dust collectors used in emission control systems to the atmosphere building industries. At various stages of the process of building production generated dust emissions have different particulate composition. This complicates the process of collecting dust removal equipment parameters and requires the detailed experimental studies. In this paper we consider the procedure experimental studies fractional breakthrough on different types of plaster dust production; provides recommendations to reduce the number of required tests; received the minimum possible value of the fractional dust breakthrough, regression models to calculate the fractional slip of dust of various fractions
Keywords: slippage,dust collector, fractional, cleaning, dust, efficiency, dispersed, options, gypsum
The paper analyzed the influence of the shape and projection of its location on the surface of the heat sink on the heat source temperature. Based on the theoretical analysis, it was shown that the pins, ribs, hinges, and other projections are present on the surface of the heat sink, it does not increase the cooling surface and heat-loaded lower temperature source. These designs provide only near the side surfaces of the rapidly decreasing dipole, quadrupole, and other components of the field, which are not conducive to heat dissipation from the source, and create a circulating flow.
Keywords: radiator protrusion shape, thermal conductivity, thermal apparatus mode, the temperature of the heat source
The paper presents description and analysis of the upgraded felling-skidding machine (FSM). It offers a range of technical solutions for efficiency improvement and FSM using expansion, including fuel chips production and log spurs construction with the wood waste. The creation of FSM with advanced features provides the partial import substitution of machines for CTL logging.
Keywords: felling-skidding machine, modernization, efficiency improvement, logging operations, fuel chips, log spurs
The current problems with carbon reinforcement grids to enhance reliability of any engineering structures. Determined development prospects for new construction: carbon fiber reinforcement and Fibre concretes. The reinforcement with carbon fiber systems are designed for repair and reinforcement of bearing structures of buildings in order to eliminate the consequences of the destruction of concrete and reinforcement corrosion as a result of prolonged exposure to environmental factors and aggressive media in the process of operation of facilities .
Keywords: reinforced concrete structures, innovation in construction, carbon fiber
Nowadays the wide integration of automation resources is occurred in many domains of industry. One of the key aspects of this process is control automation for breaking up process on railways. Due to the fact that main element of railway yard is hump the Intellectualization of decision making processes becomes the key task in area of fault prediction during breaking up. The experience of fault effects elimination shows this task decision allows to reduce the financial and time costs for breaking up process. This paper proposes new algorithm for creation of theoretical base of the system for fault prediction. This algorithm is realized by hybrid methods, which combine different temporal models characterizing technological process of sorting of following cuts. Presented experimental arguments show integration of proposed methods is efficient in domain of railway nreaking up process
Keywords: breaking up process, hump yards automation, intellectualization of technological processes, fault detection, hybrid techniques, fuzzy temporal relations, reconstructed phase space
Article is devoted to consideration of methods of multicriteria optimization across Pareto. The methods using an optimality across Pareto on the basis of genetic algorithms are considered. The description of advantages of the SPEA and SPEA2 method in relation to other the most often applied VEGA, FFGA, NSGA methods is submitted, and also the comparative analysis of the SPEA and SPEA2 methods among themselves is given.
Keywords: problem of multicriteria optimization, Pareto's great number, genetic algorithm, VEGA, FFGA, NSGA, SPEA
We consider testing program finite element calculation of non-stationary thermal mode design of complex shape. We compare the results of calculation of temperature fields of design data real test. Determine the accuracy of the modeling of thermal processes in the body structure. Objective: To compare the results of thermal calculation of composite design data real test. To determine the accuracy of the finding of the program created by the temperature calculation. The design takes physical tests on heating external convective heat flux. The temperature value at the control points in the heating process is continuously recorded with a thermocouple. The results of measurements and calculations are compared. As a result of comparison, the conclusion about the accuracy of calculation of the temperature field created by the design calculation program.
Keywords: testing, finite element calculation, temperature field, construction, heating device, the calculation error, the accuracy of the simulation
The results of theoretical analysis of literary data about the media-centrism and the socio-centrism as approaches to consideration of opportunities of mass media as the instrument of public opinion management are presented in the first part of this article . The substantiality of the media centrists approach is explained. The insufficiently proved aspects of the socio-centrism are revealed. Conclusions of the theoretical analysis are given as argument of relevance of empirical research. Studying of efficiency of the Russian mass media as a factor of public opinion formation became the purpose of empirical research. Its results are considered in the second part of this publication. The collecting of the source data was carried out by the method of sociological poll. The respondents were interrogated about the rather preferred mass media, news telecasts, and also their representations about the more discussable events. The comparative analysis revealed the considerable similarity between positions of public opinion and character of the information patterns broadcast by the preferred TV channels.
Keywords: media-centrism, socio-centrism, public opinion management, linear model of mass communication, step model of mass communication, "leaders of opinions", selective perception
The work contains the approximation of the third boundary value problem of schemes of high order. The approximation of the operator of the convective and diffusive transport difference schem were obtained, which has the fourth-order approximation error. The discrete operator diffusive transport in the absence of the influence of the boundary was considered.The construction of schemes of higher order accuracy approximates the operator diffusive transport in the border nodes in the case of boundary conditions of the third kind with the second order of accuracy was found.
Keywords: Schemes of high order, diffusion, diffusion transfer, discrete operator, approximation, boundary conditions, boundary value problem, finite-difference scheme
The work contains the construction and software implementation of related software systems designed for mathematical modeling of processes occurring in coastal water systems. The space-two-dimensional model of sediment transport in shallow waters allows to forecast the dynamics of bottom topography changes by reason of the movement of water and solid particles, to take into account the porosity of the soil, the critical shear stress at which begins the movement of sediment, turbulent exchange, dynamically changing geometry of the bottom, wind currents and friction on the bottom. The mathematical model of motion of a multicomponent air, takes into account factors such as the transport of pollutants and heat; the effect of vegetation; change in the coefficient of turbulent exchange; water transfer from the liquid to the gaseous state and others.
Keywords: multiprocessor computer system, grid equations, suspended solids, sediment
The expert system for practical use by doctors in hospitals is designed The systems is solve the problem of classification opinions on the gestosis development and degree during pregnancy risk. Multi-factor knowledge base derived based on the results of studies analyzed in the work, and includes a set of genomic and post-genomic signs of pregnancy complications. The main users of the system (doctors, researchers and patients) and their requirements for software implementation of the developed expert system. Structure of expert decision support system in the evaluation of the risk of preeclampsia, comprising components (characterizing developed information systems belonging to the class of expert systems), the functions and subjects were created. The types, feature space feature descriptions and attributes the knowledge base of these patients. The generalized algorithm of the system and the possibility of its further development were given.
Keywords: Expert system, knowledge base, requirements analysis, Statistical classification, feature space, gestosis, preventive diagnostics, a personified medicine