Within a stochastic approach the influence of the random component of the individual responses to the interpretation results data obtained by the technology of semantic differential is investigated. It is offered density of probability for the studied actor at the individual level to describe Fokker – Planck equation. For specific calculations is used the stochastic differential equations (Ito or Stratonovich) which is producing last. The distribution functions throughout the research pool are determined by the Monte Carlo method implemented in agent-oriented application package Any Logic. It is shown that the previously developed model of affective social attitudes easily fits into this scheme, and allows to appreciate the emotional components of attitudes, taking into account stochasticity original settings. The results of studying the dependence of the result variance from errors in the primary parameters are given. It is obtained that the relative errors for both are of one order. The article shows the structural stability of the model at the individual and group levels.
Keywords: stochastic approach, the instability of answers, semantic differential, emotional components, a phenomenological model, the Fokker – Planck equation, stochastic differential equation, multi-agent modeling, structural stability
The technique of the analysis of latent group protest activity is given in this research. The work is a pilot study, focused on the identification of judgments relevant to the characteristics of the protest actions. We used the Thurstone method of pre-screening survey, in which participated 24 people. The analysis passed within one-dimensional scaling by means of ranging and creation of a scale of judgments. Shown approbation pilot study on a large group of respondents involved in the election campaigns of the Rostov region. It was revealed that for the majority of the respondents are acceptable actions are work in the government for the purpose of supporting the existing government, and also complete neutrality.
Keywords: a political tension, protest activity, the group setting, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, latent conflict potential
The results of the pilot survey among students of 1 – 2 courses RSSU are given. Presents the distribution function of a indicator set, such as a deprivation, involvement in political processes, relation to power structures, the assessment of the political situation, the level of protest. It revealed a low level of participation in the political process, and the average level of emotional involvement. And as a result are weak electoral and social activities. Assessment of the political situation is neutral, both in the region and in Russia as a whole. The level of latent protest generally low, but 19% of the respondents belong to the mass positive (11% very positive).
Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group attitudes, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics
One of the criteria for the effective operation of modern machines, machinery, tools and devices is a quiet drive. Research noise generation in mechanical gears is important. A modernization drive with a flexible link, as a method of solving the problem of noise reduction.
Keywords: noise, vibration, drive, machine, mechanism, chain drive, toothed belt drive, a study, a flexible connection
This scientific research presents an analysis of the dynamics social tensions and political attitudes among students of 1 - 2 courses for the period 2013-2014 RSSU. Presents the distribution function of a indicator set, such as a deprivation, involvement in political processes, relation to power structures, the assessment of the political situation, the level of protest. of protest. It revealed a decrease levels of participation in the political process and emotional involvement by 2014. The relation of students to government structures improved slightly, there was a shift from low to average sustainable level. Thus lower level of electoral activity of young people to the middle of 2014 is observed. Received higher assessment of the political situation in Russia as a whole by the end of the study period. The level of latent protest generally low, and continues to fall.
Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics
The analysis of group attitudes structure among RGSU’s students in relation to a political order in 2015 is carried out. Presents the distribution function of a indicator set, such as a socio-economic protection, involvement in political processes, relation to power structures, the assessment of the political situation, the level of protest. It revealed a low level of participation in the political process, and the average level of emotional involvement, and as a result are weak electoral and social activities. The assessment of a political situation is the average level, both in the region and in Russia as a whole. The level of latent protest is generally below average. Analysis of the level relative deprivation showed separation group into three subgroups with low, medium and high levels of social tension.
Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics
Basis of this scientific research monitoring and identification of socio-political tension among students Grozny. The analysis of group political installations showed that there is a low level of participation in political life, and the average level of an emotional involvement into it. Relative deprivation is average and will not cause social tension in this study audience: economic providing 2,40, social security 2,35 on values of averages (for all parameters used a scale from 0 to 5). Diagnosis of political tension was carried out through the evaluation of students' attitudes toward protest actions. Revealed sharply negative attitude to the protests 1.83 on average values.
Keywords: protest actions, political tensions, cognitive and behavioral components of group settings, social tension, relative deprivation
Consider the structure of of the political system of the Russian Federation. In the work focuses on the formation and development of political perception with imbalance of the relationship between social order, social masses and their social behavior. Was selected theory of deprivation of development political tensions, most adequately reflecting the specific situation in the Southern region. It is shown that emotional perception of the political order is one of the aspects of the formation of a behavioral component of the group political installation. Proposed to use the level of perception as Indicative of political tension. The basis for monitoring the level of emotional perception are primary measurement technology of semantic differential Charles Osgood. Farther interpretation of the data on previously developed psychosemantic phenomenological model within the framework of the theory of catastrophes.
Keywords: deprivation approach, the political perception, social interaction, relative deprivation. differential social organization, group installation, semantic differential
This scientific research is directed on measurement of level of satisfaction of students with a cultural and leisure complex of Rostov-on-Don, ability of cultural infrastructure to sustain inquiries of the population, and reveals the problematic side of the existing cultural complex. Research took place from December, 2013 to May, 2014 by a questioning method. It's received low level of satisfaction with the functioning of the cultural complex among young people. Revealed a low level of interest of the population in their cultural development. It is shown that the existing cultural infrastructure is not able to fully perform their functions of the cultural development of the population and neeeds to change.
Keywords: cultural complex, sociographic measurement, questionnaires, descriptive statistics, cultural infrastructure, cultural level of the population, leisure
Substantiated the technique of monitoring the state of the cultural complex of the city or the subject of the Russian Federation, based on sentinel populations. The study was conducted among the students of the 2nd year RGSU. As an integral indicator of the development of the cultural complex and the its individual components, use one of the cultural components of the group setting - the level of emotional perception of the relevant components. Normalized between -1 (total rejection) to 1 (absolute satisfaction). Primary data obtained questionnaires, one of projective techniques - by Charles Osgood's semantic differential. Interpretation of the results carried out on the basis of the theory of perception Information respondent suggested Coombs - ideal point model. Levels of perception are calculated in the linear approximation, as well as in the non-linear model, which we developed based on the concept of typicality, in terms of the theory of catastrophes. In contrast to the conventional approach of technology of semantic differential, calculations are performed not by the average semantic portraits, and by individual, using multi-agent modeling package Any Logic. Ultimately, calculated the distribution of function level of emotional perception of infrastructure and cultural life of the city as a whole on respondents. It is shown that the distribution function of the level of emotional perception of cultural infrastructure and cultural level of the city as a whole is almost the same. It was found that the emotional perception of the students strongly smeared cultural infrastructure, from strongly negative (-1) to a significant positive (+0.8). The main result - shows prospect the offered technique for assessment of development of the cultural infrastructure of the city as a whole, and for the analysis of cultural deprivation separate groups of the population.
Keywords: monitoring, cultural infrastructure, cultural level of the city life, cultural attitudes, emotional level of perception, semantic differential, projective techniques, nonlinear model, ideal point, catastrophe theory, typicality
Presented the results of investigation of the motion of logging trucks using systems GPS-monitoring. Is investigated change of output per shift productivity calculated for considering trains when moving at a distance of 150 to 500 km in increments of 50 km. Examined the effect of distance of transportation and standard deviation values of speed on change the output per shift productivity. More than that was is studied the influence of transport distance and shift productivity values on the change the cost of removal of 1 cubic meter of timber harvested.
Keywords: output per shift, logging truck, the systems GPS-monitoring, maintenance cost, removal
By self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHTS) prepared fine powder оf La2-xSrxNiO4 composition , which is used to obtain dense ceramics exhibiting the properties of n-type semiconductor. Prolonged annealing of the samples resulted in a decrease of the conductivity on the order of 3-4, and the changing nature of the dielectric spectrum: dielectric constant ε' has a stable value of 4·104 Hz in the range of 0,4 − 1·105 Hz .
Keywords: dielectric constant, phase separation, nikelate of strontium lanthanum, self-extending high-temperature synthesis
The authors implemented methodological apparatus homeostatics used to determine the effect of the internal contradictions of the processes of functioning and development of socio-economic systems and management to the survival of the system and its transition to a new stable state.
Keywords: structural and functional stability of the transport and logistics cluster, the cybernetic approach Homeostatics
Work represents research of structure of group installations in relation to a political order. The studied audience - politically active part of the population of the Rostov region. Measurement is carried out using questionnaires. The survey involved 402 respondents. Age from 19 to 73 years. It is measured an activity relation to the political life of society, there is assessment of relations to the political authority, the current political situation and the level of relative deprivation. It is received, among the interrogated group there are pro-government moods, with support of work in the government, for the purpose of support to the existing regime – 44,8%. It is revealed, the majority of respondents have a negative attitude to the protest actions. Thus the increased level of an emotional involvement and participation in political processes is observed.
Keywords: a political tension, deprivation, group installation, cognitive component, behavioral component, questionnaire, the descriptive statistics
This article discusses the problems of retail network in Russia and the main directions of development of the domestic networks in connection with the expansion of foreign networks and Russia's WTO accession. In the harsh conditions of competition will survive only those commercial enterprises that will practically use logistic as business philosophy and methodology, and the main provisions of logistics management in their business practice
Keywords: Retail network, development of retail network, Logistizatcija retail network problems network retail, logistics strategy, logistics management