The questions of regional bioenergetics development on the example of The Republic of Karelia are considered. The resource challenges in the field of harvesting and industrial use of energy wood and peat are described. The solutions to get over these challenges are identified.
Keywords: Challenges, Regional Bioenergetics, Peat, Energy Wood.
This scientific work is devoted developing questionnaire for poll of experts for the knowledge base information system of a choice of the channel distribution of the advertising message filling. Processing and the analysis of the data received at questioning of 20 experts are made. The knowledge base of information system of a choice of placing operative advertising kind is filled using received data.
Keywords: poll of experts, information system, operative advertising, and knowledge base, print advertising.
Proposed a mechanism for determining risk management strategies of labor protection, using the principle of ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable). This approach implies the maximum possible risk reduction achieved by actually available, but often limited resources of the enterprise. Results of risk control, including the choice of variability between conservation (abolition), decrease (prevention) or the transfer of risk.
Keywords: risk, risk management, risk control, health and safety.
In this paper we consider the problem of effective forecasting of electricity consumption for multiple objects in automatic mode. We propose an approach to automation of forecasting process, based on CRISP-DM. There were considered methods of computational intelligence for the data preprocessing - filling the gaps and identification of the emission, methods of construction and adjustment of forecasting models. As the computational basis are used connective models, based on neural networks and on constructive neural networks. There was shown the system architecture that implements the mechanisms of computational intelligence, and was presented the results of the tests.
Keywords: consumption of electricity, forecasting automation, computational intelligence, identification of the emission, connective models.
Development and improvement of local markets zernoprodovolstvennyh mining areas, as well as regional transaction sector agro-industrial complex of the Eastern Donbass centers contribute to the formation of institutional modernization of the regional economy. To identify the political, economic, social and technological factors in the external macro-environment that may significantly affect the business, structuring and formulation of the organization's strategy is an important analysis of institutional and market coordinates held in accessible form PEST-analysis.
Keywords: region, local market, the institutional environment, PEST-analysis, macro environment, trade, protectionism, state support.
The conceptual model of region sustainable development passport grounded on sustainable development concept and stakeholder’s theory is described in the article. The algorithm of region sustainable development rate estimation (on the example of Rostov region) is implemented in practice. The algorithm key steps are described on the base of proposed passport model.
Keywords: sustainable development of a region; passport; region sustainable development indicators, composite index, integral index of region sustainable development.
The article describes the development of a system to protect electronic documents from being copied. The article discusses the legal aspects of information security, the main threat to leak the information and statistics information leakage channels. The analysis of the analogues. A scheme of work developed by the Web service.
Keywords: information security, electronic documents, eToken, copyright, web-service.
Is calculated the mean distance between the diamond grains on grinding wheels by their characteristics. Is carried out of the duration, frequency and form of discharge impulses in electro erosion profiling of diamond grinding wheels.
Keywords: electro erosion profiling, correction, the distance between the diamond grains, frequency of discharge impulses, the duration of discharge impulses.
Results of patent researches concerning modes and design of timber barking equipment performed using database open register of Federal Institute of Industrial Property are given in the article.
Keywords: Timber, bark, equipment, barking, patent research.
In the article the urgency of increasing the efficiency of the electric oil switch in rural power grids. Revealed the possibility of using as an actuator for oil circuit breakers cylindrical linear induction motor. In mathematical form describes the basics of electric motors of this type. Numerical results that confirm the economic viability of the application presented in this paper findings.
Keywords: Cylindrical linear induction motor, switch oil, electric, boost efficiency.
This article we study the influence of the mutual dependence of economic development due to their degree of human impact on the environment, and welfare of the population of Russia's regions.
Keywords: ecological and socio-economic system, social and natural systems, monitoring, environmental and socio-economic monitoring.
Grocery distillation columns are characterized by fluctuations in the power options settings in a wide range and high quality requirements of the resulting product. Lack of continuous analyzers in a process control loop, making it virtually impossible to implement an autonomous system controlling the composition of the top product. This article focuses on the algorithm and software control logic grocery distillation columns.
Keywords: ChemCAD, rectification, automation, control, automatic control system.
In article results of experiences on studying of aerodynamics of a polydisperse suspension of conversion lime carbonate are resulted. The equations for calculation of speeds and concentration of lime carbonate on length of a tube-dryer are received. The obtained data can be used at designing of industrial dryers.
Keywords: Conversion lime carbonate, drying, tube-dryer, aerodynamics.
This paper proposes a method for studying the intensity of inflow and heat extraction subsystem refrigeration unit as the criterion of efficiency of the refrigeration cycle at different stages of the life cycle of the chiller. As an example, adopted Appliance compression refrigerator.
Keywords: efficiency criteria, the intensity of heat flow, the chiller, and the influx of heat removal, the evaporator.
The article deals with human resources in terms of competence-based approach, which includes: organizational capital, capital labor, intellectualization of labor in modern society.
Keywords: Human resources, organizational capital, capital labor, human capital, the intellectualization of labor resources.