Many logistics companies prefer to entrust performance of some non-core functions to external specialized organizations known in the service market thus redistributing and decreasing various risks. This is essential in supply chains of considerable length involving water transport and multiple contractors in many countries.
Keywords: Sea transport, Logistics risks, Outsourcing
Theoretical analysis of constructive and technological restrictions in the avalanche photodiode structure for photon-counting mode is made in this work. It is shown that critical parameters are load resistance and a time constant of a photodiode internal capacity recharge. For decreasing this time constant one needs size restriction of separate section of the photodiode and association of several such sections on a crystal together with registration schemes.
Keywords: Avalanche photodiode, Mode of the account of photons, Constructive-technological restrictions, Model of avalanche breakdown
The development of semiconductor nanoelectronics industry in the world in terms of globalization is reviewed. The main roadmaps of information technologies development are outlined. The primary method for the costs reduction is the global harmonization of technical solutions (e.g., an international standardization system) which can be achieved through the creation of global alliances. These global alliances lead to partition sectors of the market and the exchange of technological advances and by promoting national programs of information technology development, combining the efforts of public and private sectors. The forecast of the possible development of Nan electronics industry in Russia is given.
Keywords: semiconductor scheme, chip manufacturing, globalization, nanoscale semiconductor devices, information networks, chip design, design methods.
In article the analysis of a condition of production of cement concretes with use nano-technologies is carried out. A production technique of cement concretes with introduction nanoparticles and simultaneous levigating of a cementing agent is offered.
Keywords: nanodispersible modificators, nanotechnology, re-crushing portland cement parts, a strength improvement of cement concretes, vortex band apparatuses, activity of cement, activation, apparatuses of a vortex band
The article includes the theoretical aspects of the creditworthiness of construction organizations, a system of indicators to measure the creditworthiness of the construction sector (based on example of borrowers of the South-Western Bank of Sberbank of Russia), and the analysis of construction lending in Russia and in the Southern Federal District (based on materials of the South-Western Bank of Sberbank of Russia). The results of the analysis showed the overdue need to improve methods and procedures for evaluating the creditworthiness of borrowers in building, that`s why the author of the article has developed Model of Risk, which allows to overcome the problems of information asymmetry between banks and borrowers, and to lend institutions provide additional benefits in the credit rating and a selection of construction companies.
Keywords: creditworthiness, the assessment, the borrower of the construction sector, the bank
This paper studies the approaches to categorizing real estate development risks, presents the detailed classification of project financing risks by the chronology of their occurrence in the economic life of the project, describes the effects of risks on realization of project initiatives, and presents the main strategies to minimize them.
Keywords: real estate development, project finance, risk classification, risk management, project financing risks, project initiative, project life cycle
A modified analog-SSOR of variation type is used for numerical realization of two-dimensional discrete mathematical model of the aquatic environment, which is based on a three-dimensional hydrostatic model. Governing equations of the given model are equations for incompressible fluid, hydrostatic equation and Navier-Stokes equation. Developed model is used to predict the processes of sedimentation and the impact of negative factors affecting the condition of coastal and offshore structures. An algorithm for the minimal residuals modified analog-SSOR method for solving the difference equations is presented in the paper. The results of numerical experiments are presented.
Keywords: Iterative methods, hydrodynamics, discrete model, grid education, Navier-Stokes equation.
We have shown co-method of IT-strategy development, using business component model. The article represents on the supply-procurement manufactory by procurement, processing and sale of waste materials.
Keywords: analysis, automation, IT-strategy, component model, manufacture, authentication, protection, data ware
This article addresses the state of the electricity sector after the reform, are some statistics. The article makes recommendations for improving the efficiency of the industry.
Keywords: Electricity, Industry, Reform, Investment, Power
In article the urgency of increase of overall performance of the electric drive of the oil switch in rural electric networks is proved. Possibility of application as the electric drive for oil switches of the cylindrical linear asynchronous electric motor is opened. In the mathematical form bases of work of electric motors of this kind are described. Results of calculations which confirm economic feasibility of application of the conclusions presented in article are resulted.
Keywords: the cylindrical linear asynchronous electric motor, the switch oil, the electric drive, overall performance increase
It was investigated the influence several additives and process parameters on the properties of piezoelectric ceramics based on PZT phase systems. It was shown that the use of the substitution of Pb2+ ions on the Bi3+, and Ti4+ ions, and Zr4+ to Fe3+ and Mn4+, as well as the method of "chemical assembly «allows to obtain increase the Curie temperature of ceramic samples of 50 - 170°C. The theoretical aspects of this area of research have been discussed in this article.
Keywords: ferroelectric phase, Curie temperature, ceramics, precursors, perovskite, a solid-state method, a method of «chemical assemblage
The results of analysis of computational aspects of the method of obtaining the XANES spectra for Ru L2 ,3-edges by integrating the dipole transition matrix elements involving DFT. The convergence of the numerical integration procedure for the parameters used in the earlier papers, crystals as an example [Ru (NH3) 6] 3 +. More specifically, it is proved that it is possible to use a small area of integration and big enough step between points, which helps to minimize the requirements for computing power and offers the prospect of using this method for the simulation of the XANES spectra in coordinated ruthenium catalysts for splitting water research in the field of solar energy.
Keywords: RuLedge, XANES, DFT, density functional theory, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, geksoaminoruteny, Ru (NH3) 6.
The paper presents the results of research level of perception a political order among students of Grozny (GGNI) at the beginning of 2012. The questioning method was used. In total 320 respondents were interviewed, and captured the age group from 17 years to 20 years. On national structure the group was almost uniform (95,9% - Chechens). The main purpose of questioning - the definition of the emotional component of the group political installation on the classical method of semantic differential Charles Osgood. A comparative analysis was carried out of the averaged semantic level of emotional portraits and making real political order. It is revealed, the image of an order is in the Republic 45% closer to positive "ideal" construct in comparison with image of an order in Russia as a whole. It is received, by the beginning of 2012 perception level considerably decreased to normal value (in comparison with "incredibly positive" 2011). Thus small excess of perception of a political order in the Republic remained.
Keywords: a political order, a political tensions, semantic differential, factor analysis, the affective component, questioning
The analytical method determination parameters of the three-parametrical Waybill distribution for final volume population on the basis received parameters on a sample is stated in this work The algorithm of calculation on which computing experiment is made is presented. On the basis of these calculations the conclusion that it is necessary to determine by this analytical method parameters of the three-parametrical law of Waybill for set of final volume on the basis of the received parameters on a sample is drawn.
Keywords: population of final volume, sample, dispersion, an average quadratic deviation, distribution parameters, durability became
Results of the flight research spent in student's RBSU environment in December, 2011 are presented. The method of semantic differential is put in a basis of questioning. Respondents were offered to estimate four types of a political order by using of 20 double modal seven-ball scales. Two "ideal" orders are as much as possible attractive order and as much as possible unattractive one. And two real orders are the political order existing in Rostov region and a political order in Russia as a whole. The estimation was spent in linear approach, and also in frameworks the early developed phenomenological model considering typical nonlinearity, which is probable for a considered case. It is received, that in the end of 2011 students were characterized by negative perception as political order in area (with level -0.7, a level was normalized from +1 to-1), so an order in Russia in whole (with level -0.77). Surfaces of the stationary states, allowing to detail dynamics of change of perception level are calculated. Comparative dynamics of behaviour of emotional perception level of real political orders from the end 2009 on the end 2011 is presented.
Keywords: questioning, semantic differential, political order, emotional perception level, typical dependence, nonlinear approach, catastrophe theory, dynamics of change of perception