The article provides analysis of modern methods of struggle with the rut in road clothes with asphalt. Increasing the resistance of asphalt concrete pavements to rutting can be done in two ways: by calculation and improve the composition of the asphalt concrete. Development of methodology for calculation of road constructions on the resistance to rutting will allow us to take the design of pavements resistant to rutting and develop strategies for maintenance activities. Material science solutions to optimize the properties of the asphalt are to improve the properties of binders, use of modifiers, the use of asphalt concrete that is resistant to rutting, such as stone mastic asphalt and polymer-dispersed-reinforced asphalt concrete.
Keywords: road construction, rutting, asphalt pavement, polymer-bitumen binder, the composition of the asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt, polymer-dispersed-reinforced asphalt concrete, methods of forecasting rutting
Privedeny rezul'taty sravnitel'nogo analiza dorozhnykh konstruktsiy na uchastkakh avtomagistraley M-4 i M11 po kriteriyu ustalostnogo razrusheniya. Predstavlen sopostavitel'nyy analiz rezul'tatov po predlagaemoy metodike, osnovannoy na summirovanii deformatsiy, nakaplivaemykh v pokrytii za ves' srok ekspluatatsii, i normativnoy metodike ODN 218.046-01.
Keywords: proektirovanie, nezhestkie dorozhnye odezhdy, asfal'tobetonnoe pokrytie, ustalostnaya dolgovechnost', raschet
The statistics of accidents is given in the oil industry. It is shown that the considerable share of accidents in the oil industry is connected with oil transportation and is followed by its spills. Among the known methods of elimination of oil spills application of various types the floating booms in combination with use of new materials and technologies remains to the most perspective and ecologically safe. The floating booms serve for the prevention of distribution of oil on the water area, for simplification of its removal from a surface of the water, and also for utilization of oil on a water surface. In case of fire the oil spill occurs retention it within the boom. The features of the application, relevant structures and elements of floating booms, ways to improve them as the primary means of oil spill response, the effectiveness of the floating booms are considered.
Keywords: oil facilities, accident statistics, water area, emergency oil spill, oil spill response, floating boom, sorbing boom, fire-resistant boom, boom operation efficiency.
The paper summarizes the most common trenchless technologies among the variety of pipeline reconstruction methods which are implemented without destroying old pipelines. It demonstrates the key benefits of the methods under review as well as their principal deficiency. The significance of these technologies, according to the author, is associated with environmental safety and economic efficiency they assure for construction works performed under unstable soil conditions as part of dense urban development. Special attention is given to such relining methods as Swagelining, Upex, Rolldawn, and U-Liners, and more light is shed on innovative technologies, such as GFK-liner (Germany) and Insituform (Great Britain). It is emphasized that the pipeline relining methods discussed in the paper, along with their undisputable strengths, have certain deficiencies, primarily related to a decreased throughput capacity of pipelines. This is why the need for use of nano and composite materials to line the inner space of a reconstructed pipeline should be made a priority.
Keywords: pipeline, relining, technology, method, fiberglass sleeve, polyethylene pipe, sliplining, pushing, composite material, environmental safety
This part of the paper focuses on individual areas of survey of trenchless technologies for renovation of pipeline systems. It underlines the relevance of the technology and maintains that the choice of any specific work method should be based on economic as well as environmental and technological criteria. It describes certain performance techniques and deals more closely with the pipeline replacement methods featuring hydraulic rod-type destroyer, pneumatic splitter, and rope winch. It is noted that the technologies in question help save material and labor resources and reduce economic costs through optimized timelines and earthwork scopes. Also, trenchless technologies, despite their technological constructability and environmental friendliness are shown to require further improvement in order to minimize adverse impacts on the lithosphere and atmosphere.
Keywords: pipeline, renovation, technology, method, replacement, rod-type destroyer, pneumatic splitter, rope winch, benefits, environmental safety
This paper presents study on the influence of constant and pulsed anodic polarization on the value of the building and properties of materials of grounding. Mass of anodic dissolution rate was calculated
Keywords: corrosion, cathodic protection, constant, pulsed polarization, anodic grounding, oil pipelines, gas pipelines
In the construction of linearly extended objects, there are difficulties related to the optimization of flows. This requires the rational distribution of construction machinery fleet. The stream will be optimal only in the case when all processes are performed optimally. Rational distribution of the fleet is that the volume of construction works between the machines assigned in accordance with their highest load. Thus the performance is improved when in-line method of construction, which, in turn, should reduce the cost of socially necessary labor per unit produced by this company products
Keywords: flow, construction, method, process, technology, roads, land, machinery
In the article the actual problem of labor protection of small and medium business in Russia. In the comparison of statistical indicators of injury level in small and large enterprises. The dynamics of indicators of injury fatalities in Russia in 2005-2014 gg. (1,000 employees) The causes of poor safety management in small and medium-sized enterprises. Most violations of the legislation on labor protection in small and medium-sized businesses depend on the employer refers to occupational health issues at the enterprise.
Keywords: safety, a statistical measure of injury, small enterprises, occupational safety and health management system
This article focuses on the basic materials and finished products, traditionally used for the device translucent roofs. are those materials, which are more in demand in today's market of translucent coatings on the basis of the analysis of domestic and foreign sources. Identifies the main characteristics of materials, advantages and disadvantages, depending on the method of producing glass, are the main features of the classification of laminated glass. The article will be a logical extension, which will be considered innovative materials for the device translucent roofs of sports facilities.
Keywords: Glass polished, reinforced, toughened, laminated, types of laminated glass, glass block feature
The article describes the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of improving the organizational structures of management of the organization in a market economy, supported by experimentation introduction into practice of the construction company; developed proposals to improve the organizational structure on the basis of the enterprises of the construction sector carried out by the scientific and practical studies and the experimental data.
Keywords: structure, organization, management, construction, quality of life, system optimization
The problem of representation of the structure of the domain, which could be used in automatic summarization is described in this paper. As a solution to this problem, the authors propose to use a denotat-based text analysis technique , developed by A.I. Novikov and his school (Institute of Linguistics). This technique was the basis of the proposed infological model that makes it possible to view the structure of a particular subject area, and ultimately the creation of a system of automatic summarization.
Keywords: denotation, abstracting, understanding infological model, neural network, text comprehension, semantic clotting
The article deals with an experimental study of computer representation of the structure of the domain, which can be used in the automatic summarization. As a theoretical basis for the study psycholinguistic theory of AI Novikov was selected. The denotative text analysis technique which allows to explicate text's meaning in a graph structure was tested. The use of this technique allowed the authors to create a computational model for the automatic construction of graphs that reflect the contents of the natural text.
Keywords: denotation, computing experiment, abstracting, understanding infological model, understanding of the text, meaning clotting
The methods of the diagnostics and oil-and-gas installations state analysis reliability increasing based on usage of the parametric methods of statistics are discussed in this paper. The variance analysis of the mechanical properties of the pump rods made of normalized steel is given in this paper (according to the data of the manufacturing plant for the period of 10 years). It is found that breaking point and yield stress are distributed with the truncated normal laws in the region of minimum values. The obtained average values and variation coefficients of the mechanical properties within the steel grade permit to calculate the statistically significant changes of the mechanical characteristics. The correlations between Vickers hardness and breaking point (Vickers hardness and yield stress) in the case of steels produced in the Russian Federation for the pressure-operated vessels are also presented in this paper. These correlations permit to determine the strength characteristics with the relative error of 12% according to the hardness value. In the case of transferring the obtained correlations on the steels produced in Japan the systematic underestimation of the yield stress is 0,85 fold with respect to the value given in the certificate. The factors that influence on the microanalysis sensitivity and accuracy are revealed, the optimal scanning electron microscope mode and research conditions for the chosen patterns are also determined. Evaluation of the systematic inaccuracy of determining the carbon content in the steel is obtained in this paper. It is found that the measurement error for the scan area from 3 x 3 to 20 x 20 mm and accelerating voltage from 10 to 15 kv is minimal. The usage of the obtained results permits to increase the validity of the findings in the diagnosed installations condition evaluation and determining the conditions of their further exploitation.
Keywords: diagnostics, oil field equipment, parametric statistics, variance analysis, precision of measurements, mechanical properties, microanalysis
We investigated the creep of concrete arches based on the following theories: the theory of linear creep by Harutyunyan-Maslov, kinetic theory, the theory of flow, theory of aging, and nonlinear theory of Y. Gurieva. We considered viscoelastic model of the concrete, ie total strain was represented as the sum of elastic strain and creep strain. Solution of the problem was carried out by finite element method. We considered the arch rigidly clamped at the ends and loaded with a uniformly distributed load. Graphs of growth of deflection and stress distribution in the reinforcement and concrete are represented. We obtained the substantial redistribution of stress between the reinforcement and the concrete during creep: in reinforcement stresses increased and in concrete stresses decreased. The strongest redistribution occurs on the theory Y. Gureva.
Keywords: reinforced concrete arch, creep theory of heredity, aging theory, the theory of flow, kinetic theory, finite element method, stress-strain state
This article discusses some aspects of the balanced allocation of scarce resources, innovative industrial concern among enterprises. The author's solution to this problem on the basis of non-manipulable mechanisms to support decision-making. It is proved that under certain conditions, in particular when not transferable utility, optimal decision-making processes in economic systems must be sought in the class of non-manipulable mechanisms.
Keywords: innovative resources, the concept of a balanced allocation of scarce resources, theory of economy of the active connect, non-manipulable of a mechanisms, transferable utility.